chapter - 29

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A sob escaped from his lips as he saw the results. He threw away the pregnancy kit and went to his room.

He burried his face in his pillow crying.

When namjoon came back home from his face. He was expecting jin to welcome him in the living room but he frowned when he didn't saw him.

He asked one of the butler about jin. He said jin didn't came out of his room since evening.

He went towards his room worried. He saw jin lying on the bed, he was facing his back.

He put his bag aside and went to jin. He saw dried tears on his cheeks. Jin was sleeping so he didn't call him.

Namjoon went to the bathroom to take a shower when he noticed the pregnancy kit in the floor. He picked it up and sighed seeing the results.

Now he knew why jin cried. He took a shower and went out. He saw jin sitting in front of the mirror wiping his face.

" Good evening. " Jin tried to smile while saying this.

" Good evening. " Namjoon reply he then went to jin and hugged him.

" You don't have to pretend in front of me. " Said namjoon making jin cry.

After sometime when jin stopped crying namjoon kissed his forehead assuring him.

" It's okay. We still have plenty of time. Don't lose hope. "

After they had their dinner they went to bed. Namjoon put his phone aside and was about to pull his blanket jin hold his hand. To his surprise jin kissed him pulling him closer. Jin hurriedly start taking off his shirt making namjoon understand what jin was thinking.

" Jin stop " He stopped him cupping his face.
" Calm down. I told you we still have time. Don't worry. Let's just sleep it's getting late. "

" But .." jin started but get cut off by a kiss on his cheeks.


In the morning namjoon woke up first. He first went to gym where he met yoongi.

" Good morning hyung. "

" Good morning. " He replied.

" What happened to you. Fought with jin hyung? " Asked yoongi.

Namjoon shook his head. " He is just sad. I don't know how to cheer him up. "

" I can't believe hyung it's you who is saying this. "

Namjoon sighed getting annoyed.

" I practically raised both you and jungkook. Of course I know how to make both of happy. But jin, he is different. "

" Why don't you go for a vacation with him. I am taking jimin France for a week. " Said yoongi.

" Jungkook know about it? " asked namjoon knowing how jungkook can't live without seeing seeing yoongi.
If he go out of the city for more than two days jungkook accompany him.

" I will tell him today. I don't think he will mind he is so busy with taehyung nowadays. My poor baby he had to handle taehyung's mood swings. " Said yoongi making namjoon roll his eyes.

" yeah only your baby is poor taehyung is not.."

" Taehyung is mentally strong my kookie is not. " yoongi said making namjoon sigh.


Namjoon was reading his newspaper in the living room when a servent came and informed him that they send all the gifts to the orphanage.
And they got a call a from the orphanage asking when he and jin will go there.

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