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Word Count: 801

With tears in my eyes I kneeled next to Newts Body.

I kept saying myself that he isn't dead, that this is just another one of my dreams.

But I knew that it wasn't.

Newt, my boyfriend, the love of my life was dead.

In that moment I knew what I had to do and I honestly don't know if it was the worst or the best Idea I had ever had.

I had become a mission from WICKED, to kill A2, Thomas, who stood right in front of me, not moving a bit.

Till now, I said I wouldn't do it, because of Newt. And now he was dead, because of the person I decided to have mercy on.

I grabbed my gun, which had fallen out of my hand, when I saw Newt.

Looking to the ground I said "You know what?" I looked up and saw right into Thomas teary eyes. He didn't answer so I just carried on "I have changed my mind." I said while cocking the gun "I am going to accomplish my mission." I aimed the gun at him.

He didn't move, he just tried to talk me out of it, but I couldn't hear him. There was just silence in my head.

Seeing him there, not actually trying to prevent it made it a lot harder to shoot and my hand was shaking over the trigger.

But then I saw Newts lifeless Body in the corner of my eye and my hand suddenly stopped shaking.

My finger was now moving towards the trigger and Thomas closed his eyes, when a loud shot disturbed the silence in my head, which now turned into a not stopping booming.

I was confused, I didn't pull the trigger.

And then I felt it, the immense pain coming from my lower back and a warm liquid dripping from it.

The gun fell out of my hand and so did I , forward, on something cold but soft- Newts dead Body.

My hands immediately hold on to Newts body, as if he could safe me.

He was the love of my life and I hold onto him, my anchor, so he could save me from drowning.

But he was dead and he wouldn't come and rescue me, the anchor didn't hold me over the surface, he pulled me under and I was tied to him and got pulled under water till I couldn't see the surface anymore. (I know that that is what anchors do, sinking, but I couldn't find a better reference)

My sight blurred and with all of the strength i still had I turned around to see, who had shot me.

I should have been shocked and angry, when I saw Brenda with a gun still aimed at me, she was my best friend, since we met her in the scorch and now she shot me in the back.

But I just got more sad, if that even is possible, the love of my life was dead, my best friend had shot me, the only two persons I fully trusted either had betrayed me, or were dead.

Brenda had two options, me or Thomas and she chose him over me, even if we swore each other, that we would NEVER chose something else over our friendship.

The booming, which still hadn't stopped was making my head feel heavy.

Lay down, just lay down, it all will be fine, you will wake up and all of this didn't happen.

I knew that was not true, but it was the only thing I still could hold on to.

I layed my head down onto Newts chest and closed my eyes for a moment.

When I opened them again I saw almost nothing, since my vision nearly completely faded.

I only noticed how two body's dropped on each side of me and someone started shaking me and shouting something.

But I didn't hear what they said and I didn't really feel the shaking, it was like I was in my body, but at the same time I wasn't.

And then my vision completely faded and my hearing ability gave up, a weird silence filling my head and I was falling.

The last thing I saw was Newts dead eyes, dead, but instead of white completely black.

And then I just felt nothing and thought: Now we are together again Newt.

AN: So, this was my first one shot, I hope you like it and well, this probably isn't nice, but i hope you cried, because this was supposed to be sad. Was it enough Newt? Let me know what you think please.
I also apologize for misspelled words and for the few words, where I don't know, if they even exist, so yeah let me know about that too please. The reader is male ofc, bc yk Newt's girly pop.

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