Thruth ore Dare 2-Minho

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Word Count: 1053

The next morning, was the best thing at this day, the first two seconds when I woke up.

In this two seconds this all didn't happen and everything was still ok.

But then the noises from the rest of the gladers, who were already working, brought it all back.

I kissed Minho, with tongue, for a whole minute, while playing a fucking game.

And the person who dared me to do that was Newt, my best friend and right now I wanted to kill him.

I thought it would be better to mine and his best, not to speak with him right now, but I didn't have a choice, because we have the same job and I already was to late.

So I went to the toilets and changed, before I went over to the gardens and had to face Newt.

As i approached him he had a smirk on his face and I decided to give him the silent treatment.

I just walked past him, got my utensils out of the little, wooden House and started doing my work.


It was 2 p.m. and Minho was still in the maze, so I couldn't talk to him and I tried to give Newt the silent treatment so I basically has nothing to do.

As I went to help Fry a bit in the Kitchen I saw Newt, who was coming at my direction.

,,Y/N what is going on? Why are you ignoring me?" he asked the millions time today.

,,Is it because of the dare I gave you?" I scoffed, wow he was a fast thinker.

,,If you don't talk to me, I can't do anything about whatever I did." he stated.

I sighed and turned to him, while shouting at him:,, You know exactly what you did. I trust you with a secret and you just use it like that for a little bit fun."

He stumbled a bit back, because apparently he didn't expect that I would answer him.

I spun around and walked away from him again, but I knew he was behind me, but couldn't go as fast as me with his limp.

,,Y/N wait please, I just wanted to help you." he exclaimed.

,,Help me?" I couldn't believe it, how in the hell would that help me?

,,Yes. I didn't know, that you would react like that. I thought you wanted to kiss him?" he said.

,, Of course I wanted to kiss him shuckface, but not like that!" I told him.

,,I'm sorry, I thought it would help." he apologized and you could say, that he meant it.

,,Well it didn't and I forgive you, but that doesn't mean I am not mad at you, so could you please leave me alone?" with that Newt went off and I walked to the kitchen.


It was 7 p.m. and dinner was just over.

Minho and the other runners already came back about an hour ago and I couldn't wait to speak with him, because I wanted to be clear that everything was okay with us.

Just when Minho was about to enter the bathroom, to brush his teeth, I stopped him and asked:,, Hey Minho, can I talk to you for a second?"

,,Yeah sure." he answered and we went to the edge of the deadheads.

,,I wanted to ask you if everything is ok between us, you know, because of the dare." I said, probably a bit to fast.

I saw a little bit, how something in Minhos eyes extinguished, as if he had hoped, that I would tell him something different.

,,Yeah, sure of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" he asked and I was relieved.

,,I just thought, that it maybe would be a little weird, since we kissed, but I am relieved that everything is fine." I practically blurted out.

Oh God, why couldn't I just act normal? I thought as I blushed a little.

,,Ok." he just said and I thought I recognized a little bit of sadness in his voice, but I told myself that I just thought that because I wanted that.

He turned around and started to walk away, but something in me snapped at this moment and I grabbed his wrist, so he had to stop.

,,What?" he asked as he turned to face me again, but instead of answering I just pulled him closer to me with my hand, that was still around his wrist.

I don't know why, but in that moment my brain was completely not working and I just stood on my tiptoes and my free hand lowered his head, as I smashed our lips together.

At first he didn't move and just stood there in shock, but after a few seconds he kissed me back.

It was a slow, passionate kiss, but mist importantly real.

As we broke apart and both gasped for air I already stumbled:,, I- Im sorry, I don't- I don't know why I just... did that."

,,It's ok, i have waited long enough for you to so that, I guess I was just to shy." he replied a big smirk on his face.

Minho, shy? That were two words, that usually had NOTHING to do with each other.

And did he really just say that? There was no way he liked me too.

,,Really?" I asked, now it was my turn to be shocked.

,,Yeah, I have liked you for quite a bit time now and since you seem to like me too." He stopped and looked at me, like he needed confirmation, that was true and I nodded, wanting to hear, what he wanted to say.

,,I wondered, if- if you would- would like to be my girlfriend." he said, not at all confident like usually.

,,YES." I screamed and a few gladers turned to us, but that didn't matter right now, they should think what they want to.

Again, we closed the gap between our faces, kissing each other, both with a big smile on our faces.


AN: I just realized, that I used the German punctation for the speech parts, I am sorry for that, please don't be confused + I didnt even know, if I did it right in the last ones, so I will probably continue doing that on accident.

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