Someting to fight for- Thomas

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Word Count: 781

As fast as I could with Alby over my shoulder I ran through the maze remembering exactly where the exit was. Minho and me both were out of breath as we tried to drag Alby with us, in the hurry to get out.

I was on the edge of letting Alby down and saving me, but I knew I couldn't do that.

While I was running I had the face of Thomas, the new Greenie, before my eyes. He was the only reason I didn't give up yet.

Even if he was here since just two days I already had a crush on him, he was so cute and he was different than all the other boys.

He was curious and he treated me different than the other boys.

He treated me, like I was special and even though I was the only girl, the others never did that, they just accepted, that I was one of them and treated me like that and I wouldn't have complained, but with Thomas doing it so different I actually felt special.

Finally we got around the last corner and saw everyone standing there already waiting for us and there he was, Thomas and pointed and you while shouting: "There."

You already felt save and were happy to be back, when a loud rumbling sound turned your happiness down and a wind, that almost made you fall over with the heavy weight already laying on your shoulders and as if the maze wanted to steal your last bit of hope the doors started closing.

To top it all off Minho stumbled and Alby fell from your shoulders. As we got him up again I saw that we wouldn't make it and everyone was shouting we should just leave him.

With all my strength I pushed Minho and Alby through the closing doors, that were moving to each other like a couple, that hadn't seen each other for a long time and finally wanted to be together again.

I sunk on to my knees, knowing I wouldn't make it, knowing that I just sacrificed myself for Minho and Alby, knowing I will never get the feeling of seeing a partner again after a long time, knowing I would never see Thomas again when theses walls would shut, knowing that this was the end, my end.

Short before the two walls met each other I noticed a sudden, fast movement and as I looked upI saw the doors shutting... with Thomas laying in front of them.

I stared at him in disbelief. He didn't just do that right? I fucking sacrificed myself and he just runs in here.

I stood up and shouted at him:"What the hell? Thomas, I just sacrificed myself for two human lifes and you come running here making my sacrifice worth less, with it only being one life that i saved now. Are you insane? Why the fuck did you do that you fucking shank?"

As I saw the expression on his face wich said "I just wanted to help", I didn't wait for an answer and just carried on:"What? Did you think I would jump into your arms being thankful, that you just ruined everything? I don't want anyone to die! Especially not you!"

Oh shit, did I really just say that? I am such an idiot, but does it even matter? I mean we are both going to die anyway, so who cares?

"What do you mean with especially me?" of course he wanted to know, should I say it, like I just said, it doesn't matter.

"I... I kind of... like you?" I spoke so quiet I first thought he didn't hear me, when he didn't answer.

"I like you too." he said after what felt like eternity.

I just stood there speechless, but he came closer and closer, till our faces where just inches apart.

My heartbeat was so loud I thought he would probably hear it, or feel it, since he placed a hand on my hip and the other one at my cheek, that slowly dreaw closer to my lips, brushing my lower lip gently, before he closed the gap between our faces, kissing me softly.

I kissed him back and it just felt amazing and in this moment I knew, that we would survive this night, because we had something to fight for.

AN: I just read it again and I realized so many mistakes and I am so sorry, but I probably will be too lazy to correct them.
And I am also sorry for the short switching where I first went with I and then you and then I again. Sorry.

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