Truth ore Dare 1-Minho

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Word Count: 1155

It was a normal day in the glade and in the morning I went to the gardens to help Newt.

Newt was my best friend and we literally shared almost everything, also the secret, that I had a Crush on Minho, since I could think or better remember to think.

Since I saw Minhos face the day I came up to the glade my heart was beating 1o times faster, when he was anywhere near me.

Gladly, he didn't notice yet, because that would be very awkward, because obviously he didn't like me in that way, actually we were quite good friends and I wouldn't want to change that, because that meant I could be near him.

Over the days I mostly couldn't be near him, because he was the keeper of the runners and in the maze most days.

I am usually a gardener, but when a runner was sick I would be the one to run his section for the day, because I could run pretty fast when I wanted, but I refused to do it everyday.

So I was also one of the people who knew, that there wasn't anything to explore anymore, since everything was already mapped.

Even though I was here for almost 2 years now, I still hadn't become familiar with the glade language yet and I just didn't use it, because words like Klunk, Shank ore shuck just sounded weird, however I did use the words Greenie, Deadhead ore Good that, because what else should I say?

(Ok I am coming off of topic)

Today was the day again, the start of the new month, so today a new Greenie would arrive, which meant there would be a bonfire wich was quite fun most times.

In sometime through the day the familiar loud warning signal sounded through the glade.

Newt quickly told me what I still had to do and went off to the box, but I just stayed.

Everytime a Newbie would come up I had to wait till they explained the guy everything and told him that I was a no go, since I was the only girl here, which didn't seem to change soon.

From my position in the gardens I could barely see, how a figure ,that seemed to be very scared ran away from the boys pretty fast and first I thought we could have a new runner, but then he stumbled and fell forward on his face and the thought vanished again.

I didn't bother to look anymore an just went on with my gardening.


It was late already and I went with Newt to the bonfire, which should celebrate the Greenies arrival.

His name was Thomas and I already met him after Alby was done with ,,the tour" and he seemed to be nice, but also someone who could make very much problems.

I hadn't seen Minho the whole Day and was so happy to see him again. The runners had just come back out of the maze and still were in the map room, but they surely would be done soon.

But for now I just went to the bonfire and talked with Newt.

It was now already 10 p.m. according to my clock, wich I had because of the fact, that I was a part-time runner.

Minho and the other runners came out of the map room like 1 ore 2 hours before.

Me and Minho had talked a bit, which included Minho throwing sassy comments at people, me staring at him when he didn't look and us small talking (can u say that?).

Suddenly Chuck, the youngest of us all, who now wasn't a greenie anymore since Thomas's arrival, shouted from his place next to Gally: "Hey, why don't we play truth ore dare?"

A groan sounded through the crowd, sometimes, with the cruel things happening here you just forget, that he is just a kid.

Although no one wanted to play, we just couldn't refuse Chucks wish and so we started playing.

After a few rounds the game got a little intense and I don't think, that this was what Chuck wanted to play anymore.

I just hoped that no one would give me a dare, but with being the only girl it was being quite difficult not to be too obvious.

So the inevitable happened:" Y/N Truth or Dare?" Newt asked. This little traitor.

I shot him a death glare and replied:"Dare." because I didn't want to be a coward.

"Hmmm" he thought for awhile and then cane up with the worst Idea possible "I dare you to make out with Minho for at least a minute with tounge!"

My jaw dropped, he was supposed to be my best friend, not my murderer. How could he do this to me?

Anyway I turned to Minho and said:"You don't have to if you don't want to."

But he just shrugged and answered:"Yeah, but then you will have to into the slammer because of me."

Yeah, that were the rules, if you don't complete a dare ore give an answer to a truth you have to go into the slammer for a night.

"Well then." I just said and moved closer to Minho trying to look as confident and at the same time as not caring as I could.

But in real my heart made a 100 more beats per inch I got closer to him.

When our faces were just a few inches apart I said:"I'm sorry." and closed the gap between us.

The kiss was amazing, especially after Minhos tongue had brushed my bottom lip and I granted him access to my mouth and our tongues had began to explore each others mouthes and playing with the other ones tongue.

But even though I never wanted the kiss to end it was difficult to kiss for a whole minute, because it was one of the kisses where you can't breathe in between and I started to run out of oxygen.

Somehow we managed to even get over the time of a minute and when we finally pulled apart we both gasped for air.

I felt the looks of the others on us and Minhos gaze on me and I felt my face blushing in a deep shade of red as I moved to my old place again.

I wanted to get away from here as soon as possible, because first, I didn't want another dare like that, even though it was amazing and second I didn't want to be around Minho, because I was afraid that our friendship was destroyed.

After a few more rounds I quickly said that I were tired and went to my hammock.

After a lot of thinking I finally fell asleep, but with a heavy feeling in my chest, because I was worried what would be with Minho and me now.

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