Chapter Five

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*Aiden's p.o.v.*

I woke up early to get ready for work. When I finished getting ready for work, I snuck downstairs to not wake them up. Their door was slightly opened, so I didn't see them. When I got to the last step, I jumped when I saw Roderick sitting in the chair drinking his coffee and eating his breakfast.

"Why are you sneaking downstairs?" He asked.

"I didn't want to wake you guys up. I was just gonna go to work." I told him.

"You must have heard us last night." I immediately grew so flustered and looked away.

"I am going to work. You guys don't have to go to work with me. I know Massimo probably needs you today." I said before walking out the door without hearing what he has to say. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I heard them and I was also turned on too. This is not okay because I love Massimo and Zaya but fuck Jace and Roderick make me feel weird when I am around them. Like i don't know how to describe it. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my arm being grabbed.

"You're not going anywhere without me or Jace. I will drive you to work." Roderick said.

"No. You really don't have to do that. I know the only reason why you are doing it is because Massimo and Zaya forced you to. I am pretty sure if they didn't ask you to, you wouldn't be here right now." I told him.

"Massimo or Zaya didn't force me to do anything. You are making assumptions because you don't know how to express your feelings and this is your way of expressing your feelings. Instead of saying what you said, you could have said what you were really thinking." Roderick stated.

"I am going to work on my own. Tell your boss that I am going to work by myself. Stay here with Jace. I need to be alone right now." I told him as I made my way to the nearest bus station. My car is still at my job and I know I can't be in a car alone with Roderick or Jace.

*Roderick's p.o.v.*

I called Massimo immediately.

"He is a stubborn little shit." I groaned.

"Oh damn. What happened?" Massimo said shockedly.

"I am here too." I heard Andres's voice on the phone as well.

"Aiden irritates the fuck outta me when he shuts down like he does and I don't know why he irritates the fuck outta me when I literally just met him yesterday." I snapped.

"Now do you see how I feel." Massimo sighed heavily.

"I think I know why he irritates you guys and it has to do with your need to dominate. Because Aiden is not easy to read when it comes to expressing himself. Have you thought about dominating him with your presence." Andres smirked over the phone. I just know he is.

"Hell fucking no." Massimo and I said at the same time.

"So let me ask you this. Have you tried to..

"Andres, you are barking up a dangerous game." Massimo warned.

"How am I barking up something that I have noticed? If Roderick wants to snatch his little ass up for only interacting with him for a day, then I know you do." Andres said.

"I never said that-

"You didn't have to. Your tone in your voice was the same tone you had when you met Jace. That same tone you had. It's nothing wrong with admitting that you feel it. Acting on it on another hand is where boundaries get crossed because you are both married. Jace also may be feeling exactly how you are feeling, Rod. Mas, you have always had some sort of attraction to Aiden. You can't sit here and tell me you have not. I know Zaya definitely has some attraction to Aiden. You can find someone attractive and not want to act on it but I know all four of want to act on it but you know you can't." Andres commented. I heard Massimo sigh over the phone.

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