Chapter Seven

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*Aiden's p.o.v.*

The only reason why I let Andres follow me to my apartment was because I didn't wanna be around them at all right now. There is too much going on right now. All I could think about is what happened. Caz has never went this far ever when it came to tormenting me. I have always seen him as a monster but now he is even worse than a monster for what he did. When I saw I was in front of my house, I got out of my car. Andres got out of his cop car and I stopped him before he could take a step further.

"I am going to be fine. You don't need to come inside my apartment. I know you have other things to do." I told him.

"I know there is tension between you guys, but I care about your safety as a human." Andres pointed out.

"But you wouldn't be doing this if Massimo didn't ask you to." I commented.

"I would have done it regardless if he asked or not. I don't know what the hell is going on between y'all, but let me give a piece of advice. Massimo has his two strongest people protecting you. I have never once seen Massimo do this with anyone EVER. You mean something to him more than you know and even though he is a stubborn piece of shit, he does have a soft side to him and it comes out when he deals with you even if he is a piece of shit when he does it. He is not a bad person at all. He had to grow up at a young age. The mafia world and being a werewolf and vampire is all that he knows. He has never dealt with softness ever, so the best advice I can give you is continue to love him." I immediately got so flustered when he said that.

"How did you know that I-

"It is the way you look at him and the way you act around him and the other three. I can't stay with you, but I told Massimo that I will make sure you made it safe inside your apartment. He is gonna come stay with you tonight." He smirked when he saw the expression on my face.

"He doesn't have to come here!" I said blushing.

"Yes he does." He said motioning for me to go to my apartment. He walked me to my door and I just sighed.

"Why won't he ever listen to me?" I just groaned.

"Because he pays attention whether you think he is or not. He is not a complete idiot, and you seem to forget y'all used to be really really really close, so he knows how you are." He pointed out. I just rolled my eyes and I told him goodbye before walking into my apartment locking it as soon as I stepped in. I went straight into the kitchen because I was hungry. I was going to make spaghetti and cheesy bread because I had enough ingredients to make that. I was in the kitchen starting to cut the ingredients when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. I opened the door slowly and saw Massimo standing in sweats and a carry on bag.

"I am not inviting y-

I gaped when he walked into my apartment and I just closed the door and locked it. He sat right on my couch and I could see him grabbing his laptop out of his bag and got right to work. It was like he was only here to work and not to actually care about my safety. Of course he doesn't. All he cares about is getting rid of me as quickly as he can.  He looked at me and I just looked away flustered because I am 100% sure he heard exactly what I was thinking. 

I walked inside of my kitchen and I continued to cook. He was watching me and I just tried to ignore it, but it was hard when someone was staring at you and not saying anything. I just continued to cook and when I got done, I sat down and ate dinner. I didn't even say anything to him as I was eating. When I got done, I put the leftovers in a container and placed them in the fridge. I washed the dishes that I had and made my way to my room. I took a shower in my bathroom and when I got out, I walked into the living room, and I froze when I heard him talking on the phone.

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