Chapter Six

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*Aiden's p.o.v.*

I was continuing to pick books up around my bookstore while lost in my thoughts. I wondered what she meant about what she said. When I heard the door open again, I looked over and saw Benji coming in. I also noticed Roderick and Jace waking up. Jace was definitely checking out Benji and so was Roderick.

"Hey Benji." Jace smirked.

"Jace! Hi!" He smiled as he gave him a hug. For some reason, my blood was boiling. I don't know why but I didn't like that they were this close. Roderick also hugged him and anyone looking at them can tell they had history by the way they were hugging. I continued to do my work while trying not to pay them any mind, but it was hard when they were flirting in my fucking bookstore. The more they were doing it, the more it made me mad. I walked over there and I looked at him.

"This is a bookstore, so if you are going to flirt, go flirt outside." I smiled family. I gaped when Roderick, Jace, and Benji all walked outside. I took a deep breath and continued to work. After a while, they both came back inside and I was continuing to move stuff around. I was trying not to ease drop on their conversation but I could hear them.

"We have to hook up with them again especially if it means getting a chance again with Benji. Man, he is so fucking sexy." Jace groaned.

"I know. Let's plan that." Roderick smirked. I sighed and continued to act like what they said didn't bother me. Eventually, when it was time to go, I looked at the both of them without a word and I walked to my car. Walking over to my car, I could see Andres waiting for me.

"I told Massimo and Zaya I would follow you guys home." He stated.

"For what purpose would you need to follow me back to their parents house? I have not been attacked." I asked.

"Because you have only been attacked when you have been alone. We are trying to see if the attacks will stop or keep going." He stated.

"Of course they are gonna stop because you guys are around me. They are not that stupid, but I am going home. Roderick and Jace, you don't have to return home tonight. I know you wanna fuck Benji. Go have fun." I told them before I left. I made my way back to their parents house. When I made it, I grabbed my gun out the glove compartment just in case. Walking in the house, I made sure I checked my surroundings before locking the door. I warmed up leftovers from when Jace cooked. I was sitting at the counter eating and enjoying the food. After I finished eating, I put my plate in the dishwasher and made my way to the room I was sleeping in. I froze when I saw Caz in my room. The minute I came into the room, he ran towards me and grabbed me.

"No." I screamed as he put me on the bed. He tied my hands to the bed and my feet to the bed. I was fighting him as hard as I could, but he got the upperhand. He removed all of my clothes and I was exposed to him.

"Please don't do this..." I pleaded.

"The day I get to finally take you for myself is today." He chuckled. I looked at him with my eyes wide when he said that. I could see him unbuttoning his pants. I started pulling at the rope that he used to tie my wrist and feet to the bed.

*TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️- signs of rape or sexual assault happening! Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!!!*

"Don't!!!!!" I screamed as he got closer to me. He got closer to me and kissed me. My whole body shook in disgust when he did that. He started kissing me all over my body until I saw him holding the gun I had. He started sucking on it to make it wet. Once it was wet enough, he pressed it towards the entrance.

"Please don't do it! I am begging you!" I pleaded. He chuckled and looked at me.

"No one is here to save you now..." He inserted my own gun inside of me, and I was screaming in pain and no one was here to help me. He left after tormenting me for hours. I sat on my bed staring at the gun in fear. I feel so disgusted and I couldn't move. When I heard footsteps, I closed the door quickly and I took a shower immediately. My body felt used. I just cried in the shower and couldn't believe that really happened to me.

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