Chapter Eight

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*Aiden's p.o.v*

I watched every single thing Massimo did to Caz. Caz was currently knocked out and I was sitting in the chair as both Roderick and Massimo came out. Roderick looked at me in the eyes as he approached me. I just looked down at my feet and moments later, I could see him in my line of sight again.

"It happened that night...when we were with Massimo? Didn't it?" He asked. I blushed and nodded my head and he sighed.

"We shouldn't have been selfish and only worried about ourselves. I apologized that I wasn't there to prevent it but I will-We will never let that happen to you again." He apologized and I gasped when he hugged me. Hugging him back, He smelled really good for someone who was just in a torture room helping Massimo. I didn't want to let go but he did it for me.

Massimo smirked almost like he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"That's because I do." He chuckled. He was about to say something else but his phone rang. Massimo excused himself while Roderick was in the room with me.

*Massimo's p.o.v.*

Barron was calling me, so I walked in another room to answer his phone call.

"It is just as you suspected. There were no traces of wolf bane in Benji's system at all." Barron stated. I was really puzzled right now because in the matter of 72 hours, this is what I have found out so far. Aiden was raped with his own gun by Caz. Benji may possibly be (or is) behind how wolf bane got into Zaya and I 's system. Caz said somebody ordered him to rape Aiden with his own gun. Like that is alot that I still have not processed other than the fact that it really didn't sit well with my wolf that Aiden was violated like that. He went into a rage and that hasn't happened before even when shit has hit the fan.

"Mass. I can sense the questions in your head. What is going on?" Barron chuckled.

"My wolf went into a rage yesterday because I found out Caz raped Aiden with his own gun." I stated.

"Let me ask you this question. Was it because your wolf is feeding off your emotions at the time or is it because your wolf is definitely trying to tell you something or has figured something out before you." Barron stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I am just gonna go off a whim here. Aiden is probably your mate and you guys didn't realize for two reasons: one you are oblivious as shit and two the wolf bane. Wolf bane can prevent you from figuring out your mate." Barron pointed out.

"Aiden? As in Aiden is my mate. Hell fucking no. He is human!" I pointed out.

"But really think about this question, have you been thinking about Aiden more than you should be if you get what I am saying?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I don't know what you mean by that..." I said.

"You know exactly what I mean. Like when he pisses you off so much, all that you can think about is snatching his ass up and showing him who the fuck you are." Barron chuckled.

"I mean...yeah...that's normal." I pointed out.

"That's not normal especially when you are married. If you even have those thoughts in your mind, you are likely to do something about it because your primal instinct is to take control. Aiden makes your primal instict increase tenfold and that is because...."

"But that's not possible. He can't be..." I sighed.

"I have watched you all three of y'all since high school. The way you three act towards one another is typical mate behavior. But Aiden is special because I can sense he has multiple mates. Not just you and Zaya." He coughed trying to suggest something.

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