• Chapter 1 // Where it begins! •

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• AllTake
• Bl
• Gl
• B x B & G x G
• mistakes
• my first time writing 😅
• smut??🔞
• no time traveling takemichi
• Fem!Boy
• Emma x Hina
• Senjiu x Yuzuha
• m-preg (in the future maybe?)

'...' - Thinking
"..." - Talking

First time writing don't come after me- 😅
~ Don't like, Leave :) ~
Anyways! Enjoy 😉
~ Takemichi's pov ~


"Today's the day huh?.." the blue eyed boy thought as he laid there in his bed. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I was going to a new school today, which I am not happy about. It was a public school of course. I was a human..humans where really rare to find in this world.

After all this world was evolving into more and more magical world and humans weren't that much of a sight to see or as important.
But as time went on. Seeing just one human would get a muse out of anyone..especially predators.
'Today is going to be a long day'.

I thought to myself as I  gets out of bed.
I start walking to the bathroom to get ready.
" I can't go to school with bags under my eyes". I said out loud because to be honest I looked a mess. I was to anxious to get any sleep.

— few minutes later after freshening up —

I looked in the mirror thinking, 'not bad' as a leave the bathroom. I put in the uniform my school had. Though it was a bit drab I didn't mind it. I'd prefer something more feminine but I don't wanna stand out now since it's my first day. * sigh* " Come on Takemichi you can do this!".

I yelled out trying to be more confident in myself. Not as if it was working. I was nervous they where going to find out I was human..but then again wizards and humans aren't that different. Wizards just have magic and pointy ears. It was easy to trick people especially if your a wizard of class one. Those are the ones who barely know magic.

I walked out grabbing my fake ears putting them on. I moved my hair down covering my fake ears. 'Crap I'll be late'. I thought as I looked at the time. "I didn't have time to eat. Oh well.." I said rushing out. I just didn't want to make my first impression at my new school as the late kid.

— Later at the main entrance of the school —

( the school uniform btw-)

As I walk to the main entrance I saw there was a big yard in the front with benches and a few tall trees

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As I walk to the main entrance I saw there was a big yard in the front with benches and a few tall trees. There where a lot of groups sitting away from each other. Some wearing matching arm bands..One with the name Toman, another Tenjiku..and Black dragons. 'Guess those are gangs..great.' I thought to myself not wanting and hopefully not drawing attention to myself.

I took a deep breath and walk down the path way to the front gates of the school. I felt sharp glaring stares at me immediately. Some people are whispering.. 'God why me' I thought to myself. I wanted to scream and shout, I wanted to curl up and die. Suddenly I felt an arm around my shoulders and someone whispers in my ear. " Ne~ What's your name?"

I turned to my side to see a blonde male a few inches taller than me with pitch black eyes staring into my soul. I froze, just staring at him. 'What am I supposed to say to him?..what does he want from me anyways??..' I kept thinking to myself not aware that I was just staring at him for what seemed like forever. "Oi! Mikey let go of the newbie your scaring him." A very deep voice called out.

I looked over and saw another blond man heading this way with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head. " But Ken-chin!-" The short blond male was cut off as the tall male picks him up. "Sorry about my captain" he said while bowing to me. " A-ah it's alright.." I said nervously. This was drawing way more attention than I wanted because out the corner of my eye I saw lots of people staring. ' oh god..' I thought to myself. People are staring that's not good.

"My name is Ken Ryuguji, but call me Draken. And you?" The tall man said staring at me waiting for an answer. " Um hanagaki Takemichi.." I said wanting to end this quickly. "Ah alright, see you around takemichy" he said walking away with the short blond over his shoulder. ' Takemichy?- but I said- ' I was soon cut off by the bell. ' Shoot!! I'm late! ' I thought while running into the school.

———————— Time skip —————————

I was just sitting in class, it's very boring. After I introduced myself this guy kept staring at me. I think he still is so I just looked down at my book pretending to listen to the teacher. The bell rings and I immediately look up. "Ah, that's the bell students off to lunch y'all go." The teacher said as she closed her book and walks out the classroom. Everyone starts packing up or rushing out in groups.

I just starts putting my things in my bag as I feel a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head. I glanced over to see a boy with blond undercut quickly looking away from me. 'A weird one he is-' I thought to myself as I got up and walked over to him. " Um is there something you needed?. You where staring at me pretty hard" I said. The boy flinched and face started turning red. I guess he got embarrassed because he just got up and ran out. " Rude- " I grumbled pouting.

———————— Time skip —————————

I was eating alone outside where everyone seemed to be enjoying there lunch. I saw a lot of people whispering and talking. Something about an angle? 'Are they high or smth?' I said to myself eating a bento box.

~ Nobody's pov ~

" I'm telling you! He was like an Angel! " a boy said yelling at his friends who just stared at him like he was an idiot. " come on Chifuyu, that's not believable. Sure people here— look okay but nobody in this shabby school would or could look like that." A man with long black hair and fangs said to his friend who just got angry.

" Ne, there was a boy like that this morning infront the school, he was pretty cute". A blonde short man said while his mouth was full of Dorayaki. A tall man with a dragon tattoo just hit him. " Finish what's in your mouth before you speak idiot" he just yelled at the short childish blond.

" Waaa!! Ken-chin why would you hit your president!?" The short blond just whined at his friend. " Wait wait!! Look!" The boy with the blonde undercut yelled softly as the short childish blonde stopped and the dragon tattooed man stopped. Everyone at that table looked over and saw a blonde, blue eyed Angel walking out from the cafeteria and sits alone on a bench under a table.


It was silent for a moment and everyone at the table where staring at Takemichi's beauty. A black hair man just mumbled " I guess you weren't lying fuyu.." he said while he was practically head over heels for Takemichi already. " I'm gonna go talk to him!" Said the the short blond said already walking over there. Before anyone could even react he was already over at Takemichi's table.

He wraps his hands around Takemichi's waist and whispers.."Ne~ we meet again cutie".


Well that's the first chapter lol 😅
Hope you enjoyed. I was writing this whole thing at night 💀 so tired-

Word count: 1294

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