• Chapter 3 •

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Recap of what happened last chapter:


Onto chapter 3 :)

~ Takemichi's pov ~

I felt bad seeing Sanzu's mouth. Who'd do such a thing to him?..It still looked pretty so I didn't know why'd he hide it. I gently put my hand on his cheek and rubs the scar with my thumb. "what happened?.." I said in a worried tone. Sanzu just stared in shock. I just kept talking in worry.

" Why are you covering the scar?..it may have a bad past but it's very pretty Sanzu-San there like diamonds..very beautiful like your eyes" I said smiling trying to lift the mood and make him think i'm not disgusted by the scars. Because I'm really not, there beautiful.

~ Sanzu's pov ~

'My scars?..beautiful?' I thought to myself as that blue eyed angle kept stroking my cheek with his thumb. It..kinda made me feel safe, warm..and weird. I started purring as he caressed my cheek. *Gasp* I quickly stopped and looked at Takemichi. " what?.." I said with confusion. " You just purred!! Aww that's so adorable!" The blue eyed boy said in such happy tone.

" oh, I never really purred before.." I said out loud. Come to think about it..the only time I ever purred was when. I balled my fist up in anger. The boy just stared at me in confusion and worry.


It was silent for a moment..which felt like eternity until the boy broke the silence. " Um, how about we eat? Maybe then we could watch a movie" he said in a sorta happy tone. I just nodded and started to eat. ' damn this was good..' I thought to myself not knowing I was basically stuffing my face. It's been a while.. since I had something home cooked..it tasted amazing.

I heard a small giggle then I stopped and looked up at Takemichi. "Slow down Sanzu-San there's more don't stuff your face" he said while laughing and getting up. I was embarrassed and looked down. He walked behind me and tied my hair up. I was surprised and looked back at him. He just smiled softly and said " So your hair won't get in your face"


'He's an angel ..' I thought. I mean, who wouldn't think he's an angel? I couldn't help but to smile a little which brought a bigger smile to Takemichi's face.

A few minutes later

Takemichi put on some random movie and made popcorn. He sat down on the couch while I watched. " Come on Sanzu-San sit down, make yourself comfortable" he said smiling. 'make yourself comfortable..' I thought. "okay" I said while walking over. I sat down on the floor between Takemichi's thighs. This was comfort. (😒 lucky)

I glanced up a little at takemichi who was flustered. " something wrong?" I said while takemichi just shook his head no. " l-let's just start the movie!" He said stuttering. It was cute.


During the movie I felt takemichi play with my hair asking if it was okay. I nodded and let him. ' his hands where so soft..' I thought as I laid my head back into Takemichi's lap. I wanted to stay like this forever..this is the first person..who makes me feel like someone..like a person.

My body was hot..and my tail was wagging. I want him..no no..I need him. I'll do anything. I'll kill anyone that try's to take him away. I turned and pinned Takemichi down. I couldn't take it..I needed it.

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