• Chapter 4 •

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Recap of what happened last chapter:

'Oh no..here we go.' I said dreading this. It's only 8:10 in the morninggg.

Onto chapter 4 (•̀ᴗ•́)و✨

~ Nobody's pov ~

Sanzu put his fist up to fight and Ran pulled out a baton. Ran always used a baton in every fight. Now this little argument got the attention of some gangs especially Toman and Tenjiku. And it made a certain white haired boy intrigued.

Sanzu swung first which was stopped when Takemichi got in the way. "Will you two stop it!? Someone's gonna get hurt!" Takemichi said pouting a little ignoring the pain in his side when Sanzu struck. Takemichi didn't let out a whine in pain just kept this cute angry face. Ran stared at him and put his baton aways and picked takemichi up.

"H-hey!" Takemichi yelled at Ran trying to kick around. Ran just ran to his table and sat down with takemichi in his lap with a smirk on his face like he won. Sanzu was just shocked he hit Takemichi and angry because Ran just ran off with his Queen.

( Ran- ran (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞)

'Wth' Takemichi thought as the other people on the table looked at him. "What the hell are you doing Ran?" A boy with blond hair with blue streaks asked. "I just swooped up this cutie" Ran said holding Takemichi's waist. Takemichi had no idea what was going on but he played along with it for some reason. He was confused and all these guys looked scary and could beat him up in a second. Takemichi wasn't the fighter type nor was he ever good at it but he tried to help anyone he could.

"What's his name?." A white hair boy asked not taking his beautiful lavender eyes off takemichi. "His name is Takemichi, such a beautiful name for a beautiful person right boss?" Ran said holding Takemichi's chin and lifts it up to face him. "Indeed" the guy said. The white haired stared at takemichi more and more. "Give him to me" the white hair man told Ran.

Ran was hesitant and did not want to give Takemichi up but that was his boss who could easily beat his ass and take Takemichi away. Ran nodded and handed takemichi to him like he was some rag doll. 'Did they forget I was a person!?' Takemichi thought. But of course he was to afraid to say anything. All of them looked scary and could just eat him up. Takemichi was a human and had no defense if they decided they wanted to hurt him.

Izana put Takemichi on his lap and held his waist. His face made a bit of a shocked face when he did. 'Is his waist that small?..for a guy that's kinda weird' Izana thought. But he thought it was kinda hot as well and he imagined what it's like to fuck a feminine body like Takemichi's. Takemichi felt uncomfortable because after all he had all eyes on him.

"OI!! IZANA YOU BASTARD!!!" A familiar voice yelled. It was mikey and his short shrimpy butt stomping towards Izana. Takemichi quickly looked over at mikey. 'Thank god- save me' Takemichi thought as mikey moved closer with Draken not far behind him with a few toman members which made some Tenjiku members stay on guard. "What do you—"  Izana said getting cut off. Mikey grabbed Takemichi and spat at Izana. "How dare you call your dogs to steal my michy!!" Mikey held Takemichi's waist tight and takemichi let out a small painful ow. Which went unnoticed because of Mikey's yelling. "Your michy?" Izana said getting up grabbed Takemichi's arm.

"I don't think this one is yours now. Right Takemichi?. Your still single right?." He said gripping Takemichi's arm and made him winch a little in a bit of pain. Takemichi was hesitant he was in pain and didn't wanna seem like a cry baby but he was on the verge of crying. "Izana. Mikey cut it out." A deep voice said. Both boys turned and saw a tall boy with a cigarette in his mouth. He had short black hair a deep black eyes that would drown you in an instant.

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