• Chapter 6 •

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⬆️ I found this @brumous on Twitter. It's so cute! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃💕


Recap of what happened last chapter:

'I swear..there gonna be the death of me.'

Onto Chapter 6 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Shinichiro's pov

I walked to the couch and sat down rubbing my head with my hand already getting a headache from those two. 'I might as well start dinner since I can't sleep. Emma is out so I'll make her a plate for when she comes home.' I thought as I got up from my bed and starts to head downstairs.

A few minutes later

I made cold soba because I was lazy and tired. It still tasted delicious though. 'hah I'm still the best chef u-u' I though and I placed three bowel's down with chopsticks. "Mikey! Izana! Dinner is ready!" I called them.

Izana walked downstairs while Mikey ran down fast wanting to eat first. Then Mikey stopped as he stares at the table in disappointment. "Cold Soba again Nii-Chan!?"..."Yes? What's wrong with it?" I said in confusion. Izana walked over and commented. "You made that for the past two days Shin"..
'Oh- well- it's the only thing I know how to cook'. I thought to myself.

"Well deal with it, Emma was supposed to cook but she's out so this is dinner for now." I said in a stern tone as I sat down in my seat picking up a pair of chopsticks. Izana and Mikey did the same. Mikey of course looking disappointed and Izana not caring.

A few minutes later of silence

Nobody's pov

Shinichiro gets up and grabs the empty bowls walking to the kitchen. Shinichiro's phone buzzes on the table which caught the eye of Izana. Mikey on the other hand went to the living room and found a Dorayaki stash he hid under the couch. Izana felt the need to check Shinichiro's phone. So he did.

1 text from lazy ass

"Must be Wakasa". Izana though.

Izana opened Shinichiro's phone to look at the text. 'Shinichiro is a idiot for not having a password.' Izana thought while opening the new text from Wakasa.

Lazy ass

Lazy ass: We still on for that date with flower? I just checked we have a meeting on that day.


* left on read*

'Flower? Date?? Is it like double date??.' Thoughts run through Izana's head.
"Shinichiro pulls bitches??." The most common question that kept repeating in Izana's head.

Izana's thoughts stopped as he heard Shinichiro's footsteps. He was heading back to the dining room. Izana put his phone down and walked away right as Shinichiro entered the room. 'Huh? Why'd Izana leave?'. Shinichiro thought as he went to go pick his. He shrugged and headed to his room while his younger brothers stayed downstairs.

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