• Chapter 2 •

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Recap of what happened last chapter:

He wraps his hands around Takemichi's waist and whispers.."Ne~ we meet again cutie".

Now onto the second chapter enjoy 🙃

~ Nobody's pov ~

The blonde male just smiled as he pulled on Takemichi's waist. Then he stopped and looked down. " You have a very small waist for a boy " the blonde boy just said in amaze. Takemichi didn't know weather to take that as a compliment or he was saying that to be mean. " Um, who are you again?." Takemichi asked in a low voice. The male just let go and got up. " I'm Sano Manjiro! But you can call me Mikey or your future husband!~" he said very loudly and proudly.

" What " takemichi just said dumbfounded. 'Is this guy crazy?? My future husband, who the hell does he think he is?' takemichi thought as the one called Mikey just laughed with a big grin on his face. " Ne, michy let's hang out after school!" Mikey said while sitting down beside takemichi waiting for his answer. " Hangout? I just met you" takemichi just said glaring at Mikey a little. " And? I'm not gonna hurt you or anything michy!" Mikey said with a grin not leaving his face.

" Fine, we can hang out after school." Takemichi said almost regretting what he said because Mikey jumped up and just ran away to his table a little to excited. Mikey just set down at his table looking like an idiot because his was smiling a lot. " Why the hell are you smiling so much?" A dragon tattooed man asked Mikey. " I'm bringing an Angel with me to our meeting" Mikey said picking up one of his Dorayaki. " What?" the dragon tattooed man said. " Are you talking about that blonde with blue eyes over there?" the lilac haired boy said. Mikey just nodded happily.

——————  After School ended ———————

~ Takemichi's pov ~

I'm waiting outside the school gate waiting for this guy. He wasn't showing still. ' Ugh, I'm going home' I said to myself as I wasn't going to wait any longer. Suddenly I heard someone call out me name. " Michyyyy!! Over here!!" a guy yelled out. I look over my shoulder to see a group of people surrounded by that guy..um Manjiro his name was.

" What the.." I mumbled under my breath as I just stared at him like an idiot. There where so many men around manjiro and I guess I froze up. Manjiro just stared at me and then motioned his hand for me to come over. So I did, very awkwardly. " Ne! Michy~" Manjiro grabbed my waist and pulled me close. Which for some reason I could feel tension from the men around him. " Y-yes Sano-San?" I said and Manjiro face went into shock. Then everyone around him burst out laughing.

'Ne, did I say something wrong?..' I thought as the others where dying on the floor from laughter and manjiro was just in pure shock. " J-just call me Mikey- please." He muttered and look so damn empty. " A-ah okay mikey". His face then lightened up a bit. He hugged me then went back to his childish self. " I want to introduce you to my gang!" He said excitedly. ' great- I didn't want to be apart of a gang nor know one..this means more trouble' I just thought to myself and mikey started introducing them.

" The tall one with the dragon tattoo is my best friend Ken-chin, or call him Draken  I prefer Ken-chin-" he got cut off by the guy he called Ken-chin. " We can introduce ourselves mikey." he said with a growl. " Okay okay jeez" mikey said with a pout.

" I'm Ken Ryuguji but call me Draken we met this morning " the tattooed man said winking at me. Which I blushed a little. " I'm Baji keisuke, at your service" a man with long black hair said as he smirks showing off his fangs. A blonde male with an undercut spoke up after him." I'm Chifuyu matsuno " he looked nervous. 'Wait! That's they guy staring at me in class and ran out so rudely on me' my face puffed up a little. " I'm Mitsuya takashi" a lilac haired boy said with a small smile. ' he's cute..' I thought to myself blushing a little.

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