• Chapter 5 •

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Recap of what happened last chapter:

                             " DEAL! "

Onto chapter 5 ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

~ Nobody's pov ~

Shinichiro smirked and held takemichi's waist closer. Shinichiro leaned down to takemichi's hight face to face and gave him a peck on the cheek and smiled. This made takemichi fluster up. " Want me to give you a real good kiss?~ I promise it's worth your while~" shinichiro said with a smirk still on his face.

'What dose he mean..a regular little kiss maybe?..' takemichi thought to himself. " Erm okay?" Takemichi said with a look of confusion. It's not like he knows levels of kissing or if there's even different types of kisses. Shinichiro put his hand on takemichi's cheek and he caressed it with his thumb and kisses him passionately. Takemichi blushed hard not knowing if he was to kiss back or let shinichiro do his thing.

Shinichiro deepened the kiss and it wasn't that hard to slide his tongue into takemichi's mouth. Moving it around exploring takemichi's sweet mouth and hitting some spots takemichi's didn't even know were sensitive. The blond hair boy softly moaned as shinichiro kept moving his tongue in Takemichi's mouth.

This went on for a few minutes before shinichiro stopped and pulled his tongue out with saliva connection both his and takemichi's tongue's. Takemichi was a hot mess already riled up after a kiss. When shinichiro saw the state takemichi was in only after a kiss. This made him think such dirty thoughts about the boy being naked, moaning Shinichiro's name and much more.

Takemichi just looked at shinichiro in confusion as he was standing there staring at takemichi for a little bit now. "S-Shin-San?" takemichi said poking shinichiro's cheek. Shinichiro snapped out of it and looked down at the blonde boy looking up at him confused.

"Heh sorry spaced out for a little" shinichiro said and takemichi just nodded. "Let's go get something to eat yea?" shinichiro suggested. " Okay, can we get ramen?" takemichi asked with his puppy dog eyes. He loved ramen non the less free ramen. Shinichiro just nodded and blushes at his cute face.

A few minutes later

Takemichi and Shinichiro arrived at a small cheap ramen shop. It wasn't really well known but the ramen was hand made and tasted so delicious. They sat down and ordered the original style ramen. And they chatted about random things. Till there food got there and they started to eat. "Hey Hana?" Shinichiro said earning a hmm from Takemichi while he slurped up some noodles.

"I know your new around here but I wanna know what made you come here out of all places? This is kinda the dangerous part of Tokyo even if they have good schools here it's dangerous with all the gangs and thugs." Shinichiro said while slurping up some noodles.

" Well I was born here I moved away..for family reasons my dad is over seas and my mother was unfortunately killed so my grandmother and grandfather had to care of me till they died so I had to move back" Takemichi said with a small smile. " Oh..sorry for bringing that up." Shinichiro said. " It's alright Shin-San" takemichi said smiling.

"So what are you exactly?" Shini said staring at takemichi. " You smell like a human but we both know that humans are captured and tested on, every single one, so are you a wizard or something?" Shinichiro said with a curious tone.

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