•Chapter 7•

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So small update! Sorry for being gone so longggg. I've had a lot of family and school related issues happening. I wasn't motivated to continue for a while because of private matter. I'm back though (For now-) so here's a new chapter!!

- Creator :3


Recap of what happened last chapter:

Shinichiro walked up on the stage and looked down at his gang and shouted. "Alright! Let's start this meeting shall we?".

* Also: Y'all said you wanted Benkei & Takeomi into the harem, so there gonna be added :)

Onto Chapter 7 ( ˘ ³˘)♡︎

Nobody's pov

Shinichiro talked for about a good hour. It was mostly about taking over parts of town and what gang there fighting next. Takemichi really didn't pay attention to anything really until Shinichiro brought up something interesting..."There's news about a human living our city." Shinichiro said in a serious tone which made Takemichi flinch and look up at him now focused.

"We got word from some guys down at the police station. Apparently there was word of a human staying in our city taking cover maybe taking cover  as one of us. Who knows what dangers could come of this. I'm telling you be careful and have at least 3 people with you when going out. We can't really trust anyone outside of the gang other than family and friends." Shinichiro said with his voice sounding as calm as he could but still serious and stern.

This made Takemichi shiver and stand still. 'Are they talking about me..?..No no they couldn't have found me already..' Takemichi thought to himself while breaking down inside. Wakasa noticed Takemichi looking a little spooked. He put a hand on Takemichi's shoulder which made takemichi flinch. "It's okay michi you'll be safe, that damn human won't harm you or anyone promise." Wakasa said trying to assure Takemichi was safe. But it didn't work..

Takemichi isn't scared of the human running loose. He IS the human. It scares him that he might have people on his tail and what will they do once they find out he's the human? There going to for sure kill him! Takemichi kept letting bad thoughts flow into his mind. Wakasa noticed and knew his words didn't and wouldn't work. He pulled Takemichi in and hugged him. Wakasa leaned down and rested his head on takemichi's shoulder.

"Calm down little flower, everything will be okay" Wakasa whispered in Takemichi's ear. He had a nice soft tone which instantly made Takemichi's worries go away. He kinda felt safe in Wakasa's arms. He clinged onto wakasa's arms and dug his face into his arms. Wakasa was so warm it made Takemichi close his eyes and just tune everything out.

A few minutes later

The meeting had finished and most of the gang had split off and left to do what they were tasked to do while Shinichiro was talking to Benkei and Takeomi. "And so where gonna take him out for a day of fun" Shinichiro said not wanting Benkei or Takeomi to get suspicious of him and Wakasa going on a date with Takemichi.

"We'll tag along too, me and Benkei have nothing to do anyways" Takeomi said. "Eh!? No!- I-I mean you don't have to." Shinichiro said nervously. "Why not? Y'all are just hanging out we're tagging along" Takeomi said walking over to Wakasa and Takemichi looking all lovey dovey standing there all alone. Shinichiro sighs while Benkei shrugged.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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