Time To Say Goodbye

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Nobody likes goodbyes, and unfortunately the world had to say goodbye to Carlos Marín far too soon. His life will be remembered by those who loved him, and whom he loved. His music will continue to inspire and spark a feeling of passion and love in those who listen with open ears and open hearts. 

Marín may be gone, but may he never be forgotten. Of course, nobody is perfect and everyone has faults, but may his memory live on in history as a charismatic baritone with a heart of gold, no matter how headstrong he may have been, according to his fellow Divo's. 

As many interviews that have been conducted and people that have spoken about Marín, one thing is said by each person; the show must go on. 

From his bandmates to his ex-wife, they've all agreed that had Marín still been around, he wouldn't have wanted the world to stop on his account. He would have wanted Il Divo to continue on and share their music with the fans in an attempt to heal from the grief that touched them all. 

He was a professional, and he knew the value of music and the way it makes people feel. 

I will personally remember Carlos Marín as the soundtrack of my childhood, my teen years and my adult life. His music followed me through every stage of my life; days when I wanted to dance, and I'd play "La Vida Sin Amor" or days where I was feeling melancholic and wanted to listen to "La Luna", even days when I'd need motivation, I'd listen to "I Believe In You". 

I wasn't one to have many friends as a child or teen, so I relied on music to keep me company and not make me feel so alone; I'll always be greatful to Carlos Marín and Il Divo, for being there in every way that mattered. I'm so happy that I had the chance to tell them all in person how much they meant to me, and I'll forever cherish those moments. 

So with you I will go
On ships overseas
That I know now
No, they don't exist anymore
It's time to say goodbye
I love you

Rest In Peace Carlos Marín Menchero 

13 October 1968 - 19 December 2021

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