✦ buck ─ not joking

369 9 2

── romantic

"A bet's a bet, Buck, now you gotta do it." Mason said, patting a hand on the Irishman's shoulder before taking a sip of his coffee. "No rush though."

Buck clasped both of his hands together before stretching, nervousness etched onto his face. Why did he even think it was a good idea to bet on who dies first for today's mission? He hates how he just keeps proving the "speaks before he thinks" description. Sensing the distress, his friends looked over. "If you need help on ideas, we might have some." Offered Tommy before the mint haired male's eyes landed on the tallest one of the squad. "Yep."

"Should I get straight to the point, or..." Buck asked, eyeing the rest of the squad. "Doing it over text is sorta... underwhelming, isn't it?" Pulling out his phone out of his pocket, turning it on, he debated if he should ask to meet up via text or call - It was an inconsequential matter, but to him, it was important. The both of you have been dating for two months and he's been meaning to ask if... Y'know.

Eddie shrugged, "Whatever you want, dude." Buck nodded and tapped on the dial application before getting up from the orange tinted couch, walking outside of the apartment. "Let us know how it goes!" The Canadian called.

"Mhm, yeah." Closing the door behind him, he eyed the contact with your phone number listed underneath. Allison was generous enough to allow you to move in the Alpha Team household, after the group returned from a mission, there was a note on the fridge saying that you went out to hang out with an old friend. Buck trusted you... If he began believing the doubts and insecurities racing through his head, he'd feel like a bag of trash and if those thoughts were to be true, he wouldn't blame you.

Shaking his head from any further "what if's", he chose to at least rehearse his words before pressing call. Just to be sure - Even though he was known with that certain habit, he wanted to practice anyway. "(Y/n), hey... are you- when are you free?" Exhaling, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just wanted to ask you if you're free, it's very important." Letting out a yelp once his phone began ringing, he nearly threw it but stopped himself from doing so. "Oh, for fuck's sake."

Of course the person calling him just had to be you. Accepting the call hurriedly, you greeted him, "Buck, hello!" The Irishman smiled upon hearing your voice. "I'm nearly back, felt like I needed to call, y'know." He nodded before remembering that he needed to verbally answer.

"Hey, (Y/n), um, once you get back, I... uh, it's important?" Buck said, sounding unsure. Processing his choice of words, he pressed his free hand on his forehead. "It's nothing bad, don't worry."

Stiffling a laugh, you replied. "Just ask me it." Furrowing his brows, he wondered how you knew that he wanted to ask you something. Was he prepping on call without knowing and you just hung up then quickly called him? There was no way. "I'm behind you, dummy."


"I was walking back and you were talking so loudly." Turning around, Buck looked at you, face flushing out of embarrassment. Smiling at him, you take out a jacket from your backpack and hand it to him. "I remembered you saying that you wanted it and I got it while I was out." you explained as you watched his expression morph into one of happiness, awe and gratefulness.

Smiling at you, he gave you a side hug. "Fucking ask it already, you bucket!" Exclaimed someone from inside of the house making you both swivel around and see the rest of the boys huddled around the windows near the double entrance doors. Buck anxiously looked back at you with a shaky smile.

"Um, (Y/n)?" He started, he could just feel his heart beat quickening and it was only making it more nerve-racking for him.


Setting the jacket over his shoulder, he hesitated but grabbed both of your hands making your own flush a tint of red. "Will you... be my partner?" He finally inquired and his hands began shaking in your light hold. Buck takes a deep breath before choosing to speak a few more words. "Dating you has been amazing and legitimately every single one of our friends sees us a cute couple. Well, I thought that it's about time to be together, you know? And no, it's not a joke, (Y/n). You know that I'd never joke about something like this with-"

"Yes, yes, you're now my boyfriend." Patting his hand before giving it a light squeeze, you gave him a grin. "That's not a joke and you can't break up with me now." :]

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