✧ ruby ─ maybe

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━━━━ an update on pride month? :O

── romantic

Glancing at your phone's screen, making sure you had the street correct. You hummed before pocketing the gadget, patiently waiting under the bus stop's roof for your beloved girlfriend. It was unfortunate that it began raining, but thankfully you brought an umbrella with you. Sitting down on the wooden bench, you began mumbling a few words to a recent song you heard. It didn't surprise you when a few other civilians were ushering to get under the bus stop's small roof, you just hoped Ruby would notice you once she's nearing the meeting area you had agreed to "pick her up" on.

Seconds turned to minutes and the rain turned to light droplets. It looked nice, in your opinion. Perking up once you saw a familiar mop of light brown hair styled into a high ponytail but you quickly furrowed your brows afterwards. Ruby was under an umbrella which you did note, but the umbrella was being held by a tall, athletic looking male that had a darker shade of brown for hair that was styled into... bangs that were almost covering his eye lids. you didn't think you were staring at them for so long, but you supposedly were.

The male escorts your girlfriend across the street safely and once she made it to the bus stop, right beside your form almost, he nervously waves at her and Ruby returns the gesture, weekly, with a small smile. With that, the giraffe leaves, going back the way he came from.

Feeling a light- Well, harsh nudge on your left arm, you grip it in pain. "Ow! what was that for?" You cried, you see her roll her eyes before taking off her glasses to wipe the few droplets rolling down on it.

"I think I know what that expression was on your face." Ruby started while you only avert your gaze, a slight pout forming on your lips, noticing a small amount of the people on the bus stop were staring. "Come on, let's go, (Y/n)." She quietly told you, lightly squeezing your non dominant hand, so you grab the umbrella that you packed before opening it. Being sure that she gets most of the shelter from it, she quickly notices what you're doing and shakes her head. "This height difference..." You heard Ruby mutter causing you to feel offended.

If you were shorter or taller than her, you were sure you'd be offended by that comment still. "I think I get it, crystal gem." You were sure this counted as public display of affection, it's simply you two standing very close to one another. Ruby insisted on holding the umbrella, you did protest but gave in just to get it over with. So she had the umbrella on her left, with you holding her right hand (that made sense, right?).

At least she was getting most of the shelter of the umbrella.

Finally, walking away from the bus stop, the two of you walking to the direction of a local café, where you both first met. "Why can't you move in again?" Quietly asking her, you wait for a response.

"It has- It's related to my work contract." You believed that, of course. What's a relationship without trust? "You know I'd love to move in with you, but... my manager said I had to live close by."

"What if I move in with you, then?" The suggestion made her eyes light up. Ruby seemed to have liked the idea, you can tell. "If that's allowed, that is. I'd gladly move in with you instead!"

She glances at you from the corner of her eye before looking back ahead. "I'll... have to ask."

If her boss refuses, that'd be a shame. But nothing would change, you could always message and call your girlfriend... and if the boss accepts (under certain conditions, you're expecting those if it does happen, if there's none, colour yourself surprised), then you're looking forward for the day.

While Ruby was placing the umbrella by the rack the café had just put down because of the weather, you went up to the counter to get the usual. As you're about to go look around for a table your girlfriend chose, you're surprised when the order was quickly made, they said that they had some treats ready and a co-worker ended up making extra of their last orders. Thanking them and paying for the food, you brought it over to the table Ruby chose.

"Thank you." Settling down the cup of hot chocolate in front of her, along with her croissants. You didn't order anything for yourself because you're still full from the lunch you had earlier. "(Y/n)?"

"Yes?" Looking at her, she pressed a piece of bread into your mouth which you reluctantly ate. "Is that it? Let's get this bread, I guess."

Holding in a laugh, Ruby put down the pastry before directing her attention onto you. "About earlier, you were jealous, weren't you?"

Earlier? Ohh... "No." Was what you managed to reply with. She gives you a look, making you pout. "Probably, maybe? Maybe I was, I don't know." All she does is give you a light pat on the side of your face, a small smile evident on her features.

"Eddie's weird, he's not my type, don't worry. There's you, who's also weird - Sure, but I prefer you, you're my partner, silly."

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