Ch.3 Ace Operatives

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3rd Pov

Clover: "All right, gather 'round. Our mission today is to secure the launch site for the Amity Communications Tower."

Clover stands in front of the central table in James Ironwood's office, looking at a hologram screen that displays mission details.

Clover: "The designated area is an abandoned Dust mine. Since its closure, the Grimm have moved in."

The screen displays a mission overview, a photograph of Huntsmen battling a Geist, a menu, a map of an area in the Kingdom of Atlas, a list of Active Huntsmen and a list of Ace Operatives are being viewed by Qrow Branwen, Ariel Garcia, Ruby Rose, Brisa Lycandra, Jaune Arc and Owen Garcia.

Clover: "The good news is all that untouched Dust is still down there, too. Science team says they'll need it for the first phase of their launch."


Pietro: "Apologies for the mess and for holding onto your weapons for so long."

Pietro enters a laboratory, followed by Teams RWBY, JNR, LADR, BRK.

Pietro: "The upgrades you requested were, uh... well, they were more than I anticipated." (laughs)

Braxton: "With also the help of Lycandra's Weapon Industry. "


Clover: "Atlas military Huntsmen are already hard at Work clearing out the surrounding tundra. But recon has identified a powerful Geist that's managed to evade destruction and take several lives. After we increased our numbers, the Geist was smart enough to
retreat into the mine itself, meaning it's old and extremely dangerous.

Clover withdraws a compact Scroll and presses a button, causing the photograph of Huntsmen battling the Petra Gigas to take up the entirety of each screen.

Clover: "This is our target."


Pietro: "Your new weapons and armour should be as requested, but I also took the liberty of reviewing your combat footage from the Vytal Festival Tournament.

Teams RWBY, JNR, LADR, and BRK stand in front of a series of narrow shelves, each of which has cases on them. Nora Valkyrie shifts eagerly on her feet, letting out an excited giggle as she snatches up her case. Brisa was hesitant when grabbing her own, but with a comforting smile from her team beside her, Brisa grabbed the case.

Pietro: "There's some additional enhancements I'd like to suggest. Oh, but for now, these should serve you well enough."

Brisa set her case down and opened it, shocked at what she found inside.


The hologram screens above Ironwood's table have been replaced with a 3D hologram map displaying the SDC mine.

Clover: "The mine was a labyrinth back in the day. There's all sorts of tunnels and chambers the Geist can move between, so if we're gonna kill this thing, we'll have to split up and corner it."


Brisa reached into the case and pulled out her new weapon. The double-sided scythe was. She pulled the weapon out. It was beautiful. The scythes were light and not at all heavy which worked well for faster combat, great against quick and small opponents, but not so well against the stronger, bigger ones. She shifted her weapon before pressing a button on the side of the hilt, causing the scythe to split in two making it more like a sickle. This would be great against smaller enemies. She attached the weapon again.

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