Ch.7 Worst Case Scenario

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3rd POV

Penny sat in a empty room by herself as she was feeling terrible. As the official Protector of Mantle her duty was to protect the people no matter what the situation, but last night her whole world was turned upside down, she had been framed for killing unarmed civilians, and now those she swore to protect were demanding she be deactivated for good.

Following that also came the Grimm attack, after Jacques Schnee won the election and Penny left to Atlas, many citizens of Mantle began to panic, which drew the attention of the Grimm to the city, for the most part thanks to some Huntsmen and Huntresses being in the right place at the right time and back-up coming down to help from Atlas, the city was saved, only a few got hurt, and as for the lives lost... it was uncertain, but following the attack.

Ironwood: (On P.A) "Citizen of Mantle: Following the most recent Grimm attack, a temporary prohibition of assembly is now in effect. There are to be no public gatherings of any kind. Please conduct your business and return to your homes before curfew. This is for your own safety.

Atlas soldiers were seen walking around patrolling while others were seen on rooftops scouting, airships were in the skies, camera drones were flying about in the streets, Mantle was in a state of emergency, and not one soul liked it, not even them. An armored truck, carrying huals of supplies, was seen driving through the empty streets of Mantle by Atlesian Knights as on the roof tops of buildings, some individuals were seen running after the truck, which came to a sudden stop as in front of them stood May, one of Robyn's teammates.

Atlesian Knight: "Civilian you are obstructing an Atlas military operation, please step aside."

The Atlesian Knight told her as she smirked, a block down and around a coner some Atlas soldiers came running over as back up.

Atlas soldier: "Everything alright here?"

One asked as once they got to the corner they saw no one down the street.

Atlas soldier: "Uh hello?"

The soldiers were confused as they couldn't see, but taking a closer look, May was seen using her Semblance which was casting an invisible force field around her and the truck.

Joanna was seen taking out the Atlesian Knights driving the truck while Fiona sat on the hood, Robyn came over to the trio and nodded as Fiona put her hand on the truck and made it start dematerlizing as she turned it and all the supplies in it, into some kind of marble in her hand.

Back in Atlas

Ironwood: "This is the worst case scenario!"

Ironwood banged his fist on his desk.

Ironwood: "More people are dead, Penny's being framed, Jacques Schnee is somehow sitting on the Council."

Ironwood shouted as Brisa, Razor, Ruby, Ren, Nora, Qrow, Eaglle, Winter, Zryan and Clover were seen in his office.

Clover: "That's the second shipment, for Amity that was hit today. It seems last night election was the last push Robyn needed to go from hometown hero to full-on vigilante."

Winter: "I'm afraid the problem is more complicated than that."

Ironwood: (Exhusted Sighs) "It seems Robyn has emboldened our suppliers in Mantle. They're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With Robyn redistributing the goods her team has stolen, the Amity project is completely stalled."

Ruby: "But we're so close! There has to be some way we can finish the tower."

Winter: "There is: Declaring Martial Law."

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