Ch.5 Sparks

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3rd Pov

The sun rises over Atlas Academy while Team RWBY snores in their beds.

Penny: "Salutations!"

Team RWBY are startled awake by Penny shouting her greeting in the middle of their dorm room.

Penny: (in a sing-song voice) "Good morning, Team RWBY!"

Yang: "Ugh, Penny. What time is it even?"

Penny: "Time to be Huntresses, of course!"

Penny strikes a pose, holding up two fingers by her head and winking. Weiss, Blake and Yang groan, while Ruby Rose excitedly gets to her feet.



Team LADR's alarm woke up the group, causing Josh to groan and rub his tired eyes.

Josh: "Raiden, Turn it off!"

Raiden: (Groaning) "Why me?"

Josh: (Placing a pillow over his head, covering his ears) "Because you're closest."

Raiden: "What? No, I'm not."

Clover: "I am."

The team's eyes shot open, Josh quickly moving the pillow away from his face he looked up to see the Ace-ops leader standing in the center of the room with a small smirk on his face and a beeping alarm clock in his hand.

Clover: "Now, (turning the alarm off) Are you Huntsmens going to get up, or are you going to be in bed all day?"

Josh slowly got to a seated position on his bed in the dorm room he then looked at Cyra who was on the top bunk. Though Josh genuinely wanted to share a room with Yang, but she said she needs to spend time with her team, so he decided to stay with his team.

Josh: (rubbing his eye) "Oh, it's you. Look, we've travelled across the world in the past half a year or so, so I think a little rest wouldn't hurt."

Clover: "Each minute is worth a lifetime in a Huntsmen's life."

Brisa: (Leaning over her bed) "Sleeping a lifetime doesn't sound so bad."

Josh: "Cap's got a point."

Clover: "Look, if you're going to be at Atlas, get trained by the most elite force it has to offer, then you have to be willing to wake up on time."

Josh: (Sighing) "Right.. wait, what time is it anyway?"

Clover: "Five AM"

Cyra/Raiden: "AM!?"

Cyra falls off the top bunk and lands onto the ground, while Raiden falls out of his bed and both of them groan in pain.

Clover: "I sent Penny to wake team RWBY, Vine to wake team BARK, Marrow to wake Qrow, and Elm to wake JNR."

Josh: (Lifting his body up) "You Atlas folk are strange."

Clover: "Live with us. Live like us."

Clover then turned and walked out of the room. Raiden got off the floor while Cyra lifted up her tired and pain-filled body. Then everyone went about getting ready.

Heading to the small kitchen in the break room, Raiden grabbed a cup of coffee along with the very tired Jaune. Kazey pulled out a sandwich from the fridge. But before he could enjoy his meal, a flash of pink and it was gone. Nora was standing nearby with her mouth full, looking at the ceiling, acting as if she didn't just steal the poor guy's meal. Smiling at the scene, Josh gaze drifted over to Yang and the rest of team RWBY coming into the room looking as tired as the rest of them.

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