Chapter 3

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"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him. He's changed so much! Where did that awkward boy you constantly bullied go?"

"He bullied me too, you know?"

I'm back in town with my friend Elena. She said she wanted to buy some sweets, but what she really wanted is to see if Declan was in town too. She hasn't stopped talking about him since we met, and he apparently is there all day every day, meeting with people and hanging out with old friends. Not that I am paying any attention to whatever he is doing with his life.

"I don't know why you dislike him so much" she says. "Especially now that he is so pleasing to the eye"

"Whatever" I say.

"You know, you've made me remember something my abuela always said. Los que se pelean se desean."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"That when two people are constantly fighting and arguing, it's because they actually like each other. Or desire each other if we do the literal translation" Elena says with a cheeky smile.

"I don't like Deccy, and I definitely do not desire him" I say. My dreams, on the other hand, don't seem to agree with that last part.


On our way back home we choose to go through the park. It is lovely during this time of the year.

We are almost out when we see a group of people, all of them laughing at something. Or with someone. With Declan. He must be telling some sort of story, making weird faces to explain it better. And somehow he still manages to look handsome, making me hate myself for thinking that.

"Oh, look who is there" Elena says. "We should go say hello, don't you think?"

"I think we should go home. If my father finds out I've shared the same air as Deccy for longer than a few seconds, he'll murder me" I say. Before Elena can reply, Declan is already calling for us.

"Ladies!" he says. "Why don't you join us? We are on our way to Angel's to have some tea."

His eyes are focused on me. He's teasing me, wanting for me to jump and say something mean to him. But I won't give him the pleasure. Not this time.

"That would be lovely" I say, the fakest smile on my face.


Our tea date lasts just an hour, but it is the longest hour of my life. Declan keeps telling stories about court, about the balls he has attended, about the strange traditions some of the ambassadors have. Everyone is looking at him, laughing with every joke he makes, and a couple of times, I find myself laughing too. I have to admit it. He's always been funny, and when he talks you can't help but listen.

Once we have finished we all go outside to say our goodbyes. Elena is chatting with a couple of the girls in the group when she turns to talk to me.

"One of the girls has invited me to check some new shoes she's gotten and that apparently are the softest thing you'll ever see. Do you want to come with us?" she says.

"I better go home. My mother wanted me to help her with something" I lie.

"All right" she says. "Just be careful and don't do anything stupid."

"Me? Never" I say with a smile.

I'm back at the park when I hear someone behind me.

"You left without saying goodbye" Declan says. "First you didn't say thank you after I saved your life, and now this. Where are your manners, my lady?"

"When it comes to you, gone" I say, regretting that sentence the moment it leaves my mouth. He's trying not to smile, perfectly aware about the double meaning of what I just said. "Were you following me? It would be very creepy if you were" I say, trying to focus on something else.

"In case you've forgotten, we are neighbors. Our houses are on the same direction" he says.

"Of course, how could I forget that nightmare? But don't you have anywhere else to be?" I say. "Maybe another meeting with some friends? I'm sure there are people in town who still don't know about your adventures with Lord Mount."

"There are a few, yes. But I'll leave that for tomorrow. I prefer your company now."

I can't help but roll my eyes. "Speaking of Lord Mount, why aren't you with him? Wait, did he abandon you now that he is about the get married? Did he finally realize how annoying you actually are?"

He just shakes his head, laughing. "I've missed you, little poppy."

"Don't call me that, Deccy" I spat back at him.

"Or what? Are you going to punch me like you used to do when we were kids?"

We have stopped in the middle of the path, our eyes fixed on the other's, and definitely way to close keeping in mind we are outside and anyone could see us.

"In case you've forgotten, I carry a knife with me" I say while getting eve closer to him. Why did I do that? I don't know. I can feel my pulse racing.

"I'm sure you don't even know how to use it" he says with a smirk while closing the distance between us a bit more.

"Stick them with the pointy end. That's what my father said."

He doesn't reply. He's just staring at me with the same eyes the dog had in my dreams. With the same eyes he had at the modiste. "What would happen if I kissed him?" I ask myself. Before I can find an answer, some kid starts yelling somewhere, and whatever was going on between us is thankfully gone.

"I better go home" I say. "I don't want my father finding out that I've been talking with you. He would definitely show you how a knife works."

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