Chapter 8

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"This just arrived for you, my lady" our butler says as he walks into the room where my mother and I are doing some embroidery. He's carrying the biggest bouquet of red roses I've ever seen.

"Thank you" I say.

"Do they come with a note?" my mother asks.

"No, my lady" he replies.

"Who brought them? The same boy as always?"

"Yes, my lady."

"You may leave us" she says with a nod. "Looks like your suitor is back at it again."

"He's not my suitor" I say, smelling the roses before putting them down on the table. They are so beautiful.

"You are right about that. He hasn't paid us a visit to ask for permission. But if he isn't your suitor, why is he sending you flowers?"

"He... it's just..." I don't know what to say. That today Declan is sending me flowers because last night we... He... I have no words to explain what he did to me last night.

"You are blushing, daughter" my mother says, arching one of her eyebrows.

"I better put them on some water" I blurt out as I get up and quickly leave the room.

"If he is going to keep sending you flowers, he better come and pay his respects!" I hear my mother say behind me.


Click. Click. Click.

"What the..." I say as I wake up. It still is dark outside, what is making that noise?

Click. Click.

The window. Something is hitting the window. I leave my bed with a grunt, cursing on whatever is making that noise.


A pebble. Someone is throwing pebbles at my window? I open it and look outside, praying that whoever is doing it, doesn't throw another one and hits me in the face.

"Morning, little poppy."

"What are you doing here, you idiot?" I whisper.

"Get dressed, we are going somewhere" he says.

"The sun isn't even out yet, Deccy. We should be in bed."

"That's not a bad idea either" he says with a grin. "Do you want me to go upstairs?"

"Ugh. It's too early for your stupid jokes."

"I'll shut up if you get dressed and meet me at the back of the garden."

"Fine" I say, closing the window.

A few minutes later I'm at the garden.

"You look beautiful this morning" he says when I meet him.

"Oh, shut up" I reply. I got dressed too fast, barely touched my hair, and I still am half sleep. I probably look horrible.

"You are grumpy in the mornings. I'll try to remember it for the future" he says with a smile. I can't help but hit him in the shoulder. Hard. But he doesn't seem to feel it.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" he says as he offers me his arm. I let out a sigh and take it.


We are inside the woods, and even though I'm very familiar with them, I don't know where he is taking me.

"Were you dreaming about something when I woke you up? Maybe about me?" he asks with a smirk.

"I don't remember my dreams." Liar. I do remember my dreams. Especially with him. And since the masquerade, I've been dreaming with him daily. "Where are we going?" I ask again.

"It's supposed to be a surprise."

After a few more minutes walking, I notice we are going up a hill.

"You are going to love this" Declan says as we make it to the top. When we come out from behind the trees, the whole town is at our feet, and I find myself letting out a gasp. The view is breathtaking. "Wait until you see the sun rising" he says as he hugs me from behind, holding my hands. We don't have to wait much until it happens. It's the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen. "Do you like it?" he asks before kissing me in the cheek.

"I love it, Declan. Thank you" I say. He just pulls me closer to him, resting his chin on my shoulder. We stay like that for a long time, seeing how the world wakes up at our feet.


"Now what?" I ask him as we leave the hill.

"Now," he says as he kisses my hand "we eat."

"Did you also make breakfast?"

"Of course I did, little poppy. I'm a man of many talents" he says. I just laugh at him, letting him hold my hand as we keep walking.

We arrive at a little clearing not too far from his land.

"Wait here" he says as he goes to find something behind some bushes. When he comes back, he's carrying a huge basket, and inside it there is a blanket and food. Loots of food.

"Are you telling me you made all of that?" I ask as he starts taking everything out.

"I must admit I had some help" he says. "But besides picking everything, I promise I did more than just stare while others worked."

"I'll have to believe you" I say with a smile.

Once we are done eating (everything was delicious), we lay on the blanket, my head resting on his chest. We are staring at the few clouds that pass by, trying to guess what they look like, constantly laughing at the weird shapes we are able to find.


"Where have you been?" my mother asks me when I make it back home. It's way past breakfast time.

"I had some bad dreams and went out for a walk" I say.

"That is not the smile of someone who has had bad dreams" she says, poting at my face.

"I guess the walk cheered me up" I say as I run upstairs before she can see me blushing.

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