Chapter 2

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I'm back at the river. The huge dog is coming from behind the bushes, growling. His blue eyes are fixed on me, his fangs visible. It's like he is smiling. I try to move, to run, but my feet don't move. He's getting closer.

"Little poppy" the animal says before jumping at me. I try to scream, but no sound comes out of my mouth. I close my eyes and hope to have a quick death, but I don't die, and there is no pain. Instead of feeling claws ripping my skin, I feel kisses. Hands touching me. I open my eyes and I see him. I see Declan.

That's what my dreams have consisted on for the last week. It's been pouring with rain and I haven't left the house, which means that I haven't had to face him again. But not being able to leave the house makes me constantly think about those dreams, and I feel like I'm going mad.

The first night it was just the dog. I woke up when he jumped at me, my heart racing. But he already had his eyes. The next night, he talked. "Little poppy."

It was the fourth night when the dog turned up to be him. And the fifth when the kisses started. The sixth night I woke up sweating, my sheets tangled at my feet. The kisses and the touching had turned into a lot more. And last night... Last night I woke up moaning his name, and just the thought of it makes my skin feel very hot. I say to myself it is of embarrassment, because I'm having that type of dreams with someone I can't stand. But what if that isn't the reason? What if...

I have to leave the house, even if it's raining cats and dogs. If I don't, I'll end up losing my mind.


Two days later the rain finally stops. My mother asks me to join her for some shopping in town, and even though it isn't my favorite activity, I agree to it. I need some fresh air.

Our first stop is the modiste. She apparently has some new designs that wants me to try on. "Everything looks so good on you, darling" she always says.

The first dress she has for me is a burgundy one with the tightest corset ever, making me feel my chest on my throat. I'm about to go back to try another one when Lady Rice comes into the shop. She, and her youngest son.

He instantly sees me, his eyes widening when he realizes what I'm wearing. He's looking at me like the dog in my dreams, and suddenly, I can't breath. The dress is feeling even tighter.

"If you'll excuse me" I say while going inside the changing room.

I can hear them talking outside. My mother and Lady Rice always got along, and despite my father's disapproval, they became friends as they were with child at the same time. Twice. My mother with me and my older brother, and Lady Rice with her two oldest sons.

"What a handsome young man you've become, Declan" I hear my mother say. "I'm sure all the ladies at court wanted your attention."

"You are too kind, my lady" he replies, trying to sound humble. I can't help but scoff at his reply.

"Are you alright in there, dear?" the modiste asks.

"I'm fine" I say. "Just struggling a bit to get out of the dress." Which isn't a lie.

I finally manage to change into my own dress and leave the changing room. My mother, Lady Rice and the modiste are checking some fabrics, while Declan, I mean, Deccy, is checking some ribbons. I find myself looking at his fingers, at the way they move. It's almost hypnotizing, and my mind goes back to my dreams, to the way those fingers touched me.

"My lady?" he says, bringing me back to reality.

"My lord" I reply, trying to sound uninterested. He's holding a burgundy ribbon, just the same color as the dress I was wearing.

"Did you know that burgundy is our house's color? According to my father, we've worn it from centuries" he says as he comes closer.

"Maybe that's something your family also stole from mine" I reply. He just smiles, still playing with the ribbon. I try to look anywhere but at his fingers, heat already coming to my face.

"Maybe you are right, you know? Maybe my ancestors stole that color from yours. It looked way too good on you, my lady" he says with a smirk, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. I don't know if I want to punch him in the face, or go back to the dressing room and take him with me.

"Declan" his mother says. "Would you help us with that fabric over there? The blue one. We can't reach it and I think it would look beautiful on you".

"Of course, mother" he says, tucking the ribbon on his pocket. I can't thank Lady Rice enough for taking him away from me. Who knows what stupid thing I would have said if he kept getting closer and looking at me like that. I hate myself.

After some talking, he and the modiste go to one of the dressing rooms to measure him.

"It's been lovely talking to you Lady Rice" my mother says.

"Likewise" she says.

"Maybe you and your daughter could come for tea some time? I know your husband would probably not like it, but we can keep it a secret" she says with a cheeky smile. Now I know where her son got it from.

"That would be our pleasure, wouldn't it?" my mother says while looking at me.

"It would" I say with a smile.

"Then it's settled" Lady Rice says.

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