Chapter 10

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*Author's note: There is Mr. Thomas Holland on this chapter that looks like Tom Holland, yes. But that's all he has in common with the real Tom 😅 I needed a name and a description for this character, and when I wrote this he happened to be everywhere doing promo.


"There you are, my love!" my father says as he walks into the room and hugs my mother. He is finally back from his trip in the north, and judging by his face, things have gone well. "Oh, daughter. I've missed you so much" he says, coming towards me.

"I've missed you too, father" I say as I hug him.

"I hope you've been behaving yourself while I've been gone" he says, turning to look at both my mother and I.

"Of course we have, darling" she says. But we actually haven't. She's been meeting daily with Lady Rice, and I... I may or may not have also spent the past few weeks at Declan's cottage doing unholy things. Very unholy things.

"There is someone I would like you to meet" he says, bringing me back to the present. "Mr. Holland, please come in." A young man that I hadn't seen standing at the door, walks in.

"My lord, ladies" he says.

"Mr. Holland and I became acquaintances on my way up north since he was also going there to make some business" my father explains. "By the end of the trip we became good friends, and we are going to be working together on some exciting things. That's why I asked him to come home with me."

"My lord has been too kind" he says with a shy smile.

"Welcome to our home, Mr. Holland" my mother says. "I'll make sure you have a room ready as soon as possible. You probably want to rest a bit and refresh yourself."

"Thank you, my lady."

"How long are you planning on staying with us?" I ask him.

"Well... I..." he starts saying, looking very nervous.

"If everything goes as planned," my father says "he'll be staying with us for a long time. Won't you, Thomas?" Thomas, Mr. Holland, just smiles. Something is going on...


The next day, my father takes us all for a walk in town.

"Why don't you and Mr. Holland walk together?" he says. "Your mother and I we'll be just behind."

"Sure" I say.

After a few minutes of silence, Mr. Holland finally starts talking. And he doesn't stop. Though it isn't annoying, and I find myself laughing at what he says. He reminds me of Declan on that. Declan. I was supposed to meet with him today at the cottage...

I was supposed to meet with him that day. And the next. And during the whole week. But my father has kept me busy, taking me on walks with Mr. Holland, making me show him around, having lunch outside, visiting friends...

On one of those visits to town, I finally see Declan. And he sees me, moving his head to tell me to meet him behind one of the shops.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, Mr. Holland" I say. "I think I may have dropped my handkerchief when we walked past that shop over there. I'll be just a minute."

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asks.

"Oh, no, it's fine. Why don't you wait at Angel's and order some tea?" I say. He just nods and leaves.

"Look who finally shows up" Declan says as I make it to the small alley.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to meet you, but in case you haven't noticed, my father is back."

"And he brought some company" he says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yes, Mr. Holland" I say.

"He looks like your little brother next to you."

"Don't be rude, Deccy. Not everyone is a giant like you are." The truth is that Mr. Holland isn't too tall. If I wear heels, I'm taller than he is, and Declan could probably burry him under his armpit. But I don't mind, and he doesn't seem to mind either.

"What is he doing here?" he asks.

"He is my father's business partner. He's come to visit."

"And why is your father telling everyone that asks that he is courting you?"

"He's saying what?" I can't believe what I just heard.

"Oh, c'mon little poppy. Don't act as if you didn't know" he says, angry.

"Is this the face of someone who knows?" I say. He just scoffs. "Declan, are you jealous?"

"Of course I am!" he says. "Would you like it if you saw me laughing and being all lovey-dovey with some girl?"

"We are not all lovey-dovey."

"That's what you think" he says, frustrated.

"Declan" I say as I hold his hand. "There is nothing going on between Mr. Holland and I, I promise. But you have to understand that with my father back, things aren't as easy as before."

"I know" he says with a sigh. "But I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Come meet me tomorrow. Say that you are going to meet with Elena, I don't know. But please say that you'll come" he begs.

"I'll try" I say, giving him a quick kiss before I leave.


If someone would have told me at the beginning of the summer, after that incident at the river with the dog, that I would be sneaking to see Declan Rice and actually be longing for it, I would have definitely laughed in their face. But here I am, rehearsing in my head what I'm going to say to my mother before I leave so it sounds believable. That, and thinking about what Declan said. That my father is telling everyone that Mr. Holland is courting me. Everyone, but me.

"Mother..." I begin as I enter our living room. They are all there. My mother, my father and Mr. Holland. "Did something happen?" I ask when I see that they all have their eyes fixed on me.

"We have very good news, daughter" my father says. "Mr. Holland has asked for your hand, and I've said yes. You are getting married!"

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Mr. Holland tries to smile, not being able to look me in the face. My mother tries to give me an encouraging smile, but it turns out to be a sad one. And then there is my father, who looks as happy as if he was the one getting married.

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