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"If it's a boy, I think we could call him Mason. Lord Mason Rice" Declan says as he caresses my belly.

"We are not calling him Mason."

"Why not? It sounds nice. And we could tell them later, say it's our wedding gift" he says with a smile. We are at Mason's wedding, watching all the guests dance, myself too tired to join them.

"I said what I said. We are not calling him Mason if he is a boy."

"If they have a son, I'm sure they will have Declan as one of their options. Maybe even as the first one."

"She would never allow it."

"You two are the most boring women ever" he says, pouting.

"What we are is more intelligent than you two. We don't want our kids to get bullied. Mason Rice and Declan Mount? Please" I say with a chuckle.


"Ouch, little one!"

"What was that? Did they kick? Where?" Declan says as he moves his hand all over my belly, definitely way too excited. He hasn't had the chance to feel the baby yet.

"Here" I say as I place his hand where I felt the kick. "I don't think they liked the idea of being called Mason Rice."

As if understanding what I just said, the baby kicks again.

"I felt it!" Declan says, the biggest smile ever on his face. "We have a future football player among us."

"Let's hope they have my skills and not yours" I say, teasing him.

"Meh, meh, meh" he says. "But you know, maybe they kicked when we were talking about the name because they are a girl" he says as his hand keeps going on circles where he felt the baby. "Another little poppy."

"I am the only little poppy here. You'll have to find another nickname for her."

"So it's best if I don't suggest Poppy as a name, isn't it?" he says with a smirk.

"Poppy Rice? I don't know which one is worst, that one or Mason Rice" I say, laughing.

"Thankfully we still have a couple of months to think about it" he says as he kisses me on the cheek.

The dance keeps going on, but we stay seated, watching them move. Mason and his wife are now back together after he danced with the Queen.

"Why don't you go ask the Queen for a dance? I'm sure her husband won't mind, and you've been sitting here with me the whole time."

"I've been where I'm supposed to be, little poppy. With my family."

"Aww, look at you being all cute, Deccy" I say as I rest my head on his shoulder. "But you know, I've always wondered why you chose to call me little poppy. I guess little is because you've always been a head taller than me. But poppy?"

"It's a bit stupid to be honest" he says. "Every time I said something to you, especially when I teased you, your face would turn as red as a poppy."


"I told you it was something stupid" he says as he tries to shrug.

"It's not stupid. I like it" I say, turning to look at him.

"You do?"

"I do. Now every time I see a poppy flower, I'll think of you."

That makes him smile, but he's looking at me with the dog eyes as I've ended up calling them. The ones that make my whole my shudder.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him.

"I'm trying to make you blush" he says with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, shut up, Deccy" I say as I hit him in the arm.

"I love you too, little poppy."

━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━━❃━━━━

And with that, we make it to the end of this story. Hope you all have enjoyed it! ☺️

But before I go, I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for reading (it doesn't matter if you just read one chapter and won't see this, got bored half way through it, or made it to the end), thank you for your votes on the chapters, and thank you for your comments. It means a lot! 💜

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