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The Infinity brings timeless glamour to New York like no other hotel can. People want to be charmed, wined and dined. To have that feeling of luxury from the moment that they walk through the doors.

This hotel gives them just that...

When you first enter the lobby of The Infinity you are propelled into a world of glamour. Everything from the marbled floor to ornate decor is perfectly polished and in their rightful place . The large crystal chandelier that hangs just above the grand staircase twinkles against the lighting, making sure to catch everyone's eye.

Around you, guests and new arrivals with their complimentary glasses of champagne marvel at just how well kept and clean the place is. Bell boys pull luggage carts to the elevators, dressed in their finest. To your left is the hotels restaurant and bar, and then across to your right is the reception and concierge. The staff are also well kept, well dressed, not a hair out of place and these people are the first who you will see upon your arrival.

They are known as the 'upstairs staff'. The ones who remain on the main floors of the building and ensure that everything goes according to plan. They range from the general manager right down to the head chef.

The most important people who wish for your stay to be perfect.

Then there is the owner. A man who is known by name but who will make rare appearances from time to time to see just how everything is running. If you are lucky, you may just catch a glimpse before he leaves for a meeting or has to return to his office.

Mr S Rogers.

Or to his closest of friends?


When you are first introduced to Steve Rogers, he is the definition of charming. His suit is neatly pressed, hair slicked back and amongst the staff is hailed as one of the richest and most eligible men in town. His duty is to his business and guests who walk through his doors. He has, after all, made this place what it is since taking the reigns from his father, Joseph.

Most of the time you will find him in a private apartment in the hotel which also doubles as his office.

Some nights he leaves.

Others he doesn't.

To say he is dedicated is an understatement, however not everyone is perfect, and Steve Rogers, though he may appear as such, is far from it.

We shall touch upon this much later, and you shall meet more of the upstairs staff in more detail, however our focus now turns to the ones who dwell downstairs.

Those who live by the old fashioned rule of being 'seen but not heard'.

The 'downstairs staff'.

They are the ones who wash your linens, clean your rooms, wait on your tables, the valets, maintenance team. They are all there and will only answer to you should you speak to them first. They know what goes on, the 'dirty laundry' so to speak, but just how much exactly?

You see, this is what makes The Infinity stand out from any other hotel.

It's the people who make it what it is. And there are quite some characters.

Some guests compare the place to a modern day Downtown Abbey in terms of its classic style, and in some respects it is. The Infinity lives by its old fashioned values and the staff never forget that. One foot out of line and it is instant dismissal.

The one individual whose story we shall be exploring is the newest member of staff to the hotel.

Mercy Prestland.

Taking a job as a maid, she has now gained a place as one of those to be seen and not heard. She knows her place.

Or does she?

Mercy is just as curious as any other young woman of her age. Slowly learning to navigate her way through life, and perhaps just a little bit naive?

She appears to present herself as easy prey to say the least, but then again the new ones always are. Perhaps that's why there could be a high turnover of maids? However you did not hear this from me. The hotel has a reputation to uphold. It would be a shame to drag its name through the mud before we have barely got through the doors.

One thing that Mercy will have to learn is not to trust people so easily, and she is already beginning to find out that there is more to her job than she'd first signed on for. If she is not prepared to do what is asked, she risks losing her position, her only form of income. Just like others alongside her who follow the same rules.

It's a good thing that Mercy is dedicated to keeping her position. People may think she is naive but she is rather clever. Sometimes to act a little clueless works in your favour, and to get what you truly want? It may require some deception.

Only the strongest survive here...

Now that the hotel and its people appear to have intrigued you more, perhaps you would like to come over to the reception and check yourself in? Miss Romanoff, the manager, and Mr Barnes, the hotels managing director, are waiting patiently to greet you.

Welcome to The Infinity, come and discover just what goes on behind closed doors.

We hope that you enjoy your stay...

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