Chapter 25

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Christmas time. Mercy's favourite time of the year.

The Infinity itself transforms into a winter wonderland overnight. The tree goes up and is decorated along with the hallways, lobby and outside - The decorations never fail to impress every year, and The Infinity is known for its elaborate displays. Menu's change to special Christmas themed ones that include afternoon tea and also a Christmas Eve celebration that plays host to carols and activities.

It is a special time of year, and the hotel strives to make it as magical for their guests as much as possible. From the very young, to the very old. 

On the first morning that the decorations are put up, Mr Rogers will take his walk around and inspect the whole place from top to bottom - ensuring that everything is perfectly presented, and any changes that need to be made can be done as quickly as possible.

Mr Barnes will usually accompany him for this, taking notes if needed and then instructing the right people to get their asses into gear.

No expense is spared.

The Infinity also offers the hosting of elegant parties and glittering events all year around. This includes weddings, and a winter wedding is certainly a sight.

This year there are a few, and this hotel is the venue of choice if you want class and old school glamour. The in house wedding and event planner can offer a bespoke service so you can ensure that your day or evening will go as smoothly as possible.

As you walk into the Infinity, you are greeted by the smells of the festive season. It's not too over powering, but just enough to put you in the mood and lift even the lowest of spirits. A mixture of Christmas cookies, peppermint and evergreen. Sometimes you may just catch some hints of gingerbread in there too. All of which compliment each other.

Descending the grand staircase this morning for his inspection, Mr Rogers is greeted with the smell of the hotel's famous hot chocolate - a recipe used in Mr Rogers family for generations and becoming a favourite drink of choice amongst guests. Another thing to be known for, especially in the winter months.

There's nothing like warming yourself by the fireplace in an Infinity suite on a cold evening, sipping hot chocolate.

As you are guests here, perhaps you should sample the seasonal delights that the hotel has to offer.

Mr Rogers will be surely...

For now, let's go along with him on his inspection, and today there is another who he has requested to accompany him.

Miss Mercy.


Steve looked at the tree and gave an approving nod. It's a good one this year, very nice...however...something just isn't sitting right with me..."

Bucky looked across. "How do you mean?"

"I've been thinking about it since the meeting we had for this, Mercy...go outside and then walk in again, tell me what you see".

She nodded and went outside, then walking in and looking over to Steve and Bucky. "I see a beautiful Christmas tree sir..."

"Does it make you go 'wow'?"

"I'm possibly the wrong person to ask sir, anything Christmassy makes me go 'wow'". She admitted.

Steve walked past, going outside and then back in, looking at the tree. "I want to be wow'd when I walk in, the tree is beautiful however we need to impress- and if I don't feel it then guests won't".

"What are you suggesting pal?"

"That we switch it up this year, try a different display, move the tree to over there so it's still seen but has a corner of it's own for all to look at, and then have a different display with the 'wow' factor right in the middle here." Steve replied.

Bucky made some notes.

"Mercy!" Steve beckoned her over from where she lingered just a little further away. "Any ideas are welcome..."

"She's a maid pal, not an interior designer". Bucky huffed.

"Maybe, but for someone who loves Christmas? What can make people's jaws drop as they walk in?"

Mercy looked thoughtful. "Perhaps it may be better to hear Mr Barnes ideas sir..."

Steve shook his head. "I asked for yours".

Mercy swallowed, wondering whether it would be just something that only her imagination could see. Having to produce it in a twenty four hour period wasn't possible. "Well...perhaps an elegant gazebo, decorated in snowy vines that hang from it with baubles and lights woven in between? And inside? A mannequin that is skating perhaps? I just have this image of a woman in a beautiful vintage style dress skating in it, alone. The lobby chairs and tables could surround it, as though any guest can come and sit to watch her dance..." She was getting carried away, "I erm...don't worry, it's a silly idea..."

Steve stared at the area and then nodded, already seeing Mercy's vision come to life. "How quick can the team conjure this up?" He turned to Bucky.

"I mean it would mean getting a gazebo, finding a mannequin which shouldn't be too hard. The girls in the florists could do the decorations obviously..." Bucky said scribbling down his notes. "And the dress would be easy to find..." He looked to Steve, "Could take a day or so to get it altogether, however we could pull it off."

"The tree is already up, it can take center stage for now, but I want it done as soon as possible. Forty eight hours at the latest".

"On it". Bucky nodded and began to look into it whilst they continued the walk around.

"You have an eye for detail Mercy". Steve said as they inspected the staircase decorations.

She shrugged. "Christmas displays have always caught my attention. I love them as long as they are not over the top and compliment the theme, much like the Infinity. It needs to hold elegance and glamour...something timeless".

He looked at her, the way she spoke about the hotel, Steve could tell that she loved it as much as he did. She respected every aspect, every room, everything that lay inside.

"Quite right..." he gently agreed and then moved onto the upstairs and the suites.

Mercy followed along with Bucky who was in between making calls and noting down some things. Steve getting him to check off the areas that he approved on and asking for Mercy's input here and there.

"I believe that's it, keep me updated with the display". Steve told Bucky as they came to a stop and reviewed everything. Looking at his watch he gestured for Mercy to follow and returned back to the apartment.

It hadn't escaped him that she had put up the decorations in there whilst he'd slept, and now he was able to fully inspect her efforts.

The tree was decorated perfectly, garlands adorning his grand piano and across the mantle piece.
It was the most festive he'd seen the place and Mercy seemed to know how not to make anything tacky.

A classy Christmas - that's what it was. She'd thought of everything, even laying out some old vinyls such as Sinatra and Dean Martin that were just Christmas music.

"Mercy, this? It's quite something".

Once again she shrugged off her talents. "Just doing my job sir".

"I can tell you enjoy it".

She nodded with a small smile. "Very much so sir, especially the benefits that it brings since my promotion". He chuckled at this with a nod of agreement. "I'll make you some hot chocolate and bring it through to your office". Mercy said and headed into the kitchen to prepare some.

Steve watched her go and smiled to himself, she deserved something special for her present, and he knew exactly what.

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