Chapter 6

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"Are you sure that he knows what he's doing, hiring yet another maid?" Sam asked Bucky as he sat with him in his office, feet up on the desk and eating his lunch. 

"This is only the second, the others were just playthings. You know how it is". Bucky shrugged, "And I think this one knows the score. You've heard the rumours flying around about the last one, Carolina? Wanda overheard a few of the maids discussing it - she wasn't happy to say the least". 

Sam stopped chewing his sandwich. "Anymore of that talk and we may just be 'terminating contracts' of others who try and stick their noses in". He knew of the agreement that Steve and Schmidt had in place when it came to Carolina. He'd tried to talk his friend out of making the negotiation, but it had already been agreed. 

"If they know their place then they won't". Bucky carried on. 

"What are they saying?" 

Bucky shrugged. "Just that she left and hasn't spoken to anyone, apparently they're worried". 

"She got any family?" 

"None, Wanda made sure of that before hiring her for that specific position, just like she has with the new one he's got up there". 

Sam sat back in his chair and made himself a little more comfortable. It was rare that he and Bucky ever got to discuss matters that weren't business related with one another, but today it appeared to be a mixture. "What's her name?"

"Mercy Prestland - worked downstairs for over a month or two so she's relatively new. She also looks like she's been thrown to the lions den if you so much as talk to her." 

"And you say Steve ain't gonna fuck this one?" Sam snorted, "I bet you any money that by the end of this week, she'll be on her knees under his desk while he's on business calls". 

Bucky smirked and took a long and rather savouring sip of his drink. "I think he pretty much knows he's gonna lose this one". He already knew that he'd won the bet before it had even properly started, that and he knew his best friend like the back on his hand. Somehow Bucky could tell that Mercy Prestland would be out of a job within the next month or so at least. 

"Not like he ain't got the money". Sam pointed out. "Then again I keep his finances in order so I know exactly how much he has", and looked rather smug. "I'm gonna make sure I get a raise this year and you don't".

"Fuck you, he gives me a bonus every year".

" does Romanoff". 

Shots fired. 

Bucky smirked. "How's Sarah by the way?" 

"Hey! What have I told you about staying away from my sister" Sam now pointed a finger accusingly at him. 

"And I have...just when you're around, I never said I'd stay away when you weren't". 

Sam glared at him. "I hate you..."

"Join the queue pal, it's only gonna get longer". 

He didn't give a shit about what Sam thought. Sarah wasn't exactly complaining and Nat didn't care as to whether he was sleeping around, she was used to walking in on either him or Steve, mainly the latter, getting their kicks - and simply rolled her eyes and would walk right back out again until they were done. 

It was the norm. 

Chucking his rubbish into the bin, Sam brushed the crumbs from his suit and got up. "Well I've got a meeting with Steve, I'll be seeing you later - and stay away from my sister!" His parting words hanging in the air while Bucky's laugh echoed from inside. 


"Mercy, I'm gonna need you to bring in some coffee for me and Mr Wilson". Steve told her as she was busy polishing the coffee table. 

"Yes sir." She nodded and hurried into the kitchen. 

She was a fast one. She never stopped from what he had observed of her that morning. She was flittering from room to room, hands skillfully dusting, polishing, cleaning. He shook the thought of her off and returned to his office, Mercy walking in with a tray and placing the two mugs of coffee down onto the table, along with the milk and sugar. 

"Is that all sir?" 

"I'm gonna be heading home tonight, so you probably won't see me until tomorrow morning". 

She frowned. "Home, sir?" 

He snorted, "As much as I like my job, sometimes I don't like it enough to be here permanently. Just when its...convenient" and by that he meant plucking a maid of choice and having her warm his bed for the evening. 

Perhaps he should start going home more and not staying. It would certainly help him in terms of winning the stupid bet with Bucky. 

As Mercy went to put a plate of biscuits down (he hadn't asked for them but she thought it would be a nice touch with the coffee) the bowl of sugar cubes spilled across the table top. "Sorry sir..." she apologised before quickly trying to gather them. "I'll get some more". 

Steve popped the cubes back into the small sugar bowl, his hand now stopping hers as she reached for the same one that he was. He looked up at her, "Believe me Miss Mercy, worse things have been spilt on this table". 

She froze, not just at the statement but also at his touch. It was burning into her in way that felt unlike anything that had been inflicted on her before. "I-I'll, erm, get you some new ones". Her voice was quiet as she stumbled over her words whilst trying hard not to look at him. 

"and I am telling you that I don't need any sugar". He told her slowly, looking into her eyes "This will do just fine..." 

"Hey Steve I -" Sam now knocked quickly and walked in, stopping and seeing Mercy, his eyes fell to his friend's hand on hers before she quickly snatched it away. "Oh I see what we're doing here...want me to come back later or..." 

"No Sam, come in". Steve instructed, throwing a small glare to his friend as he stopped there grinning like a Cheshire cat. "That'll be all Mercy".

She was out of there like a shot, Sam watching her go before closing the door. "So, does she live up to her name?" 

"Shut up and sit down". Steve replied, not in the mood for jokes about his new maid. 

"So erm...that hand thing..." 


He threw his hands up in the air, "alright, alright...I won't say another word about the maid that you clearly wanna fuck the living daylights outta". 

"Can we just get down to business?" Steve huffed and sat back as Sam produced the folder that he had brought with him. His hand that had touched Mercy's own flexed under the table, in order to try and rid any last traces of her from him. 

The feeling would linger on that hand for the rest of day...

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