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Song: One day             By: Lovejoy


Wilbur just got done streaming and decided to go on a walk. Since he hasn't stood up for a few hours. He just wanted to go on a walk around downtown. So he went to his doorway, got his shoe's on, grabbed his keys and walked outside, not forgetting to lock the door behind him.

Downtown was quiet. A few cars passing by, here and there. It was a cool night, not very many clouds in the sky. Wilbur shivered, he was starting to regret not bringing a coat or sweater. He passed a small bakery and decided maybe he should get something, as a treat to himself. He walked in hearing the classic 'd i n g' of a bell. He waved at the person working at the counter.


When Wilbur was done with the pastry he continued with his walk. While he was walking he passed by an abandoned building, he looked at it for a few seconds. He flinched, beginning to realize he spaced out; when he heard a shuffling noise in the alleyway next to the building. Wilbur looking in the direction of the noise. "Wouldn't hurt to investigate." He said to himself out loud. He slowly walked towards the alleyway and poked his head around the corner. He saw nothing; but slowly continue to walk into the alleyway. He jumped a bit when he heard the shuffling noise again. Wilbur looked back behind him; thinking that maybe he should turn back.

He looked back towards the alleyway. Hearing the shuffling noise again, this time near a few bags of trash. Wilbur walked to the pile of trash, holding his arms close to himself. He walked to the spot seeing a man, looking perfectly fine; Sitting in an upright position. Wilbur looked at him with a confused look. "Uh.. Excuse me?.. What are you doing here?" He asked, keeping cautious just in case he had to run. The man looked up. Wilbur flinched, seeing the person with blood around his mouth and he soon noticed that it was also on his hands, and some of his clothes.

He looked back up at the person. He hesitated moving forward, seeing if he could help the man; if he was hurt. "A-are.. Are you Ok? Do you need help?.." He crouched down to get to his level.

He pulled his sleeve over the palm of his hand and rubbed around the mans mouth, seeing if he could get some of the blood off. "What's your name?" He asked again. The man just stared at him, dazed. "Do you know where you live? I can help you if you tell me." He said getting his phone out of his back pocket, ready to call an Uber. The man stopped him by gripping his wrists, Wilbur just kept staring at his phone. Somewhat scared to look up. The man moved from his upright position to stand, bringing Wilbur up with him. Wilbur noticed that the man was a bit shorter than him, Wilbur snapped out of his small trance when he noticed he was staring at him. The man let go of Wilbur's wrist. "I'll just.. uh.. Take you to my place and get you cleaned up." He told the man, now looking back at his phone and calling an Uber.

He put out his hand expecting the man to take it; in which he did. "Are you hungry? I can make something when we get to my house." 

He looked at the alleyway; where he came from. "Come on. Let's get you out of hear, the Uber is gonna be here in a bit." He said, leading the man out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk. Luckily, there was barely anyone out at this time. Wilbur held onto the man until they got near the bakery.

Then, he heard a honk. He dragged the man towards the car and opened the door. "Are you Wil?" The Uber driver asked. "I am, I forgot to mention I have a friend with me. I'll pay you more in advance; if you let him stay, of course." He said, motioning to the man he was holding onto. The Uber driver just looked at him, unphased. "Alright, come on in. God.. I fucking hate this job, sometimes.." He heard them mumble under their breath as they got into the backseat. Wilbur told the Uber driver his address and they started driving. 

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