#5 :: Acceptance.

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Song: Achilles, Come Down             By: Gang of Youths

(Short chapter)


When Wilbur was done throwing a small toddler fit. He walked back out into the kitchen and saw that Quackity was still sitting on the chair with his head in his hands.

Quackity heard footsteps and took his head out of his hands. "I'm sorry." Quackity apologized, a sad look on his face. "It's ok. I don't mind, you can keep doing it whenever; only if you promise not to do that anymore." Wilbur replied, thankful that Quackity apologized. Wilbur knew he didn't have much control that time. He went to sit at the island with Quackity. Quackity looked at Wilbur; somewhat smiling.

"I promise, I won't do it again. I also won't try to bite as hard." Quackity gestured to the band-aids on Wilbur's fingers. Wilbur chuckled putting his head down. "Good. Also try not to do it in public, I was thinking we could go somewhere tomorrow." Wilbur said as he got up and moved to get the milkshake he made earlier; groaning to see that its almost melted. But he still drank it anyway. "I can cook something for you, if you want." Quackity suggested. Wilbur was taken aback slightly. "You know how to cook?" Quackity nodded to the question.

"Oh.. I didn't know that. You can cook something then." Wilbur said walking over by Quackity. Quackity got up and walked to the fridge. "Anything specific that you like?" He asked skimming over the shelves in the fridge. 

Wilbur thought for a while; expected by the long silence. "I don't know. Surprise me!" Wilbur said in his usual cheery tone. "Alright then." Then he started getting things he needed, and continued to cook. Wilbur getting curious every so often; getting up and moving by Quackity to see what was going on. He still couldn't figure it out up close.

__________TIME______SKIP_____(After Quackity was done cooking)____________

Quackity put the plate down in front of Wilbur. "Pancakes." Quackity said before sitting down across from him.

Wilbur was surprised; as he wanted of course. The pancakes looked elegant in a way. Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries were lined on the plate and on the stack of pancakes. As well as a small spot of whip cream. 

____________TIME_____SKIP_____(I'm lazy.)_______________________________

Wilbur can't remember the last time he's had something like that before. It was different, but it was good. "I assume that it was good?" Quackity asked. Wilbur quickly nodded. "That's good, I'll be sure to make more next time." Quackity said smiling; a happy and sweet smile.

Wilbur yawned. He was getting tired, and it was getting late. "Are you tired now?" To which Wilbur nodded again. Quackity grabbed the plate and put it in the sink; he would wash it later. Then walked back to Wilbur and picked him up, his weight seeming like nothing to him. Quackity walked carefully up the stairs, not wanting to drop the person he saw as precious. Wilbur held onto Quackity tightly; not wanting to let go, enjoying the warmth.

Quackity made it to Wilbur's room and set him down gently and covering him up. "Lay with me.." Wilbur mumbled. Quackity looked at the door; then back at Wilbur. "Ok ok, but not for to long." He replied, getting into bed with Wilbur and waited for him to cuddle up with Quackity; which he always did, and soon enough Wilbur did so.

Quackity sat there until Wilbur fell asleep. He slowly moved away from Wilbur; not wanting to wake him up. He looked back at Wilbur.

Wilbur looked majestic, to say the least. It was cute how he was bundled into a blanket. He looked like he came from a painting; soft, kind and gentle strokes of the paintbrush bringing every detail together.

Quackity had been thinking about it for a while.

Maybe he did have feelings for Wilbur. Just not ready to show them yet.

Before leaving he leaned down and gave Wilbur a small peck on his lips. Then leaning back up quickly; realizing what he just did, so he hurried out of the room. Leaving Wilbur to sleep peacefully.


HIHI. I will be doing this pattern thingy.

2 chapters with be either 1000-2000+ words, and 1 will be under 1000 words. bc i find it easier ig '-'

ANYWAY- i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ;D

Time 'Quackity' was seen as a spell check: ~25 (i didnt loose count the time so that should be how much there is-)

Words: 728

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