Chapter 2 {Reminded}

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Eventually the clock struck 12:15 and it was time for lunch. Evan and Gregory had been separated into different classes a while ago and Evan wasn't happy about it. He flung on his backpack and started down the hall to the cafeteria. He kept his head down as he walked, not wanting to start anything since he was a target for bullying due his constant tears. CC stepped into the cafeteria and immediately started looking around for Gregory. They had never eaten lunch together but he was hoping that the moment they had in class fixed that. Evan was tired of eating alone, but Gregory was no where to be seen. The boy in the black shirt got his food and scanned the lunch room once again before leaving and looking in classrooms for his blue shirted friend. That's when he heard familiar laughter in the hall. He glanced over and saw something that made his spirits drop. He found Gregory, that was one. But he also had found the person he hung out with in his free time.. it was a girl. Evan was reminded that he wasn't the only one Gregory liked.. he didn't know why he felt angry. Gregory's eyes scanned the tearful, freckled child for a moment; looking at him like he didn't even know him. Evan smiled and waved but gregory simply looked him up and down while his friend spoke. then continued in the conversation. Evan remembered that his crush was in his very last class as well but he never knew it because the blue shirted boy always sat in the far back of the classroom in a corner with this same girl. Evans fists clenched for a moment as he turned around and left, did he dare look back? He did. And hated that Gregory had his back turned.
He sat in the cafeteria, alone at a table and ate his food. A couple tears fell down his cheeks. Though he couldn't say why... Evan felt silly for thinking Gregory thought the same about him. That they were best of friends.
Soon the bell rang and it was time for the first elective class of the day. Evan frowned and wiped his tears away, he walked down the hall and noticed the spot Gregory and his friend had sat was now empty. He sighed and continued on to music class. He hated music. But he suffered through it nonetheless.

Once Music was over. CC wasn't crying but literally anything could make him. He was very sensitive and felt horrible. He had to make it through this last class and then he can go home and cry and cry.
He flopped his bag down and started working on his painting. It was art now. About 20 minutes passed before a familiar face popped into the room. Late once again... Gregory. Evan looked up and smiled brightly, he had forgotten about what had happened at this point. He didn't even know why he felt so sad.. Gregory waved at CC and continued walking into the next room with his little friend and sat in the corner with her like normal. Evan was reminded immediately of the occurrence at lunch. He huffed and continued his painting.
Soon, school was over and out. Evan was sitting at a table outside with his head down. He heard some rustling around nearby but he didn't care enough to look up. This person sat down next to Evan and rubbed his back softly "CC? Are you ok?"
Evan peeked an eye out towards the familiar voice. Yep, Gregory. Again. Evan nodded even though that was a lie. Gregory felt kinda awkward as he sat there with a clearly upset friend. "Uhm.. well my dad said yes.. I can come over today..!" Gregory smiled awkwardly trying to make Evan feel better.. he didn't know why his friend was so sad.. he was never told. Evan smiled. Though there was a small hint of evil behind it as well. He would get Gregory all for himself. Not another soul to interrupt them from their playing. The older boy saw Evans smile and smiled as well. He was happy that he made his friend happy again. But on the other hand, Evan was thinking about everything he was going to do with the boy when they got to that house.
William pulled into the driveway, he fixed the rear view mirror. Evan grabbed Gregory's hand and they ran off towards the car.
William was all slumped up in the front seat as he waited for Evan to get in, but when Gregory got in as well he paused for a moment. "Right, you neva told me you were bringin another one." CC pouted. To his family, he was entirely mute. He clasped his hands together in apology. William rolled his eyes and backed out of the driveway, he started off on the road back home. He didn't care as long as Gregory stayed out of his way. Evan shook Gregory excitedly and the other smiled in response. The three took the whole ride silently with a couple whispers here and there from Gregory and Evan. But after the drive they got out of the car and ran into the house with pure joy on their faces. CC felt very cool having someone over at his house. He never usually did considering the blue boy was his only friend. Gregory was happy to be in a new place that was very different to his usual house.

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