Chapter 6 {Bellyache}

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{Image credit: @Adalia_SV}💗💗

Gregory walked to class, it was second period. He could hear the younger kids being really loud in their classrooms as he walked by. He peeked in and saw everyone yelling and screaming, it was a first grade class.. what did he really expect? He dragged his hand along the wall listening to their loud voices dissipate as he reached the classroom slowly. He had gotten yelled at a couple times for his normal, all fours crawl down the hall so he didn't have a choice but to walk normally now. He reached the classroom and walked in, Evan waved to him happily. He waved back. "Heya CC!!" Evan nodded in response, he wasn't feeling to keen on talking today so he was his normal mute self. Gregory flopped his backpack down on the floor next to his chair and sat down. He let out a sigh. "Man.. do you know what we're doing today?" Gregory asked with the tilt of his head. CC shook his head with a pout. Gregory rolled his eyes "well I hope it's something chill.. I'm tired today.." Evan nodded in agreement.
Soon enough the teacher walked in with the usual lessons, passing out papers and setting down the cups of pencils on the desks. Gregory got to work, writing things down and answering all the questions. He was very focused on his work so he didn't see much that was surrounding him. That is until his friends wigglyness caught his attention. He glanced over and Evan was on his knees sitting on his chair, hunched over in a strange position. He looked very pale. "C-CC? Are you ok? Why are you sitting like that" Evan looked over and nodded slowly, but despite his efforts to seem fine, his lower lip trembled. Gregory raised an eyebrow "yeahh I believe that.." he rubbed Evans back. "What's wrong?" CC wiggled around a little more and then closed his eyes for a moment. "My belly.. hurts so much.." Gregory pouted with sympathy. "Ok.. do you wanna go to the nurses office?" CC nodded slowly. Gregory smiled warmly and offered Evan his hand. CC took it and got up shakily. Gregory walked with him up to the teacher, who was sitting at her desk typing up the reports. "Uhm.. CCs belly hurts a lot and I'm gonna take him to the nurses office" She smiled and nodded. She wasn't as mean as the other teachers, very nice actually. "Ok, I'll write you a pass. You're a very good friend Gregory!" He smiled happily, rubbing his thumb on his friends hand to comfort him. Gregory took the pass and tried to hurry to the nurses office, he didn't want his friend to be in pain. CCs lower lip still trembled as he followed Gregory down to hall to the nurses office, with a hand on his pained belly. The nurse turned around on his chair. "Hey! What's goin on you two?" Gregory smiled. "CCs belly hurts" He looked over at his friend for a moment, he was hunched over. "A lot-" The nurse nodded. "Alright, you wanna head back to class? I'll take good care of him ok?" Gregory shook his head. "Mh no" the nurse blinked. "Oh- uhm well.. let's see.." Gregory kept a straight face, he was going to stay with Evan wether the teachers like it or not. The nurse nodded. "Alright well, you two can head back into the little room and I'll handle the absences." He smiled and pointed to a door next to his office, in that room was a little couch and a pantry of little snacks and things. A place for kids to stay when they're overwhelmed or in pain. Gregory smiled happily and lead cc to the room, letting him lay down on the mini couch.
"There ya go! Does it feel better when you lay down?" Gregory sat near CC's feet as he looked over at him. Evan nodded, a tiny smile on his pale little face. "Ok I'm glad" Gregory got up and walked over to the pantry, swinging the doors open. "Hmm.. do you want some crackers? They might help" CC glanced in the direction of his friend. He scanned all the different kinds of crackers. "Mhm.. Cheese Its?" Evan gave his suggestion. Gregory nodded and took the cheese it's out from the pantry. He got one of the paper bowls out as well and poured some out into it. He placed it on CC's belly. "There ya go!" Evan smiled and nodded his head in thanks, taking a cracker and popping it into his mouth. He chewed with a smile as he looked at Gregory. It felt very nice to be in Gregory's care; especially since he knew if someone tired to mess with him Gregory would have their head in an instant. "Want some water?" Evan nodded. He was pretty thirsty and the crackers weren't helping much. "Ok! Gimme a minute!" Gregory skipped out of the room and took a paper cup from the pantry with him. He walked down to a water fountain and started to fill up the cup. A familiar face stood next to him. Long black hair, yellow dress and perfectly polished shoes. It was the girl he sat with at lunch. Dani. Or Daniella if you're fancy. She smiled at him, soft red on her cheeks. "Hello Gregory!" He smiled back "Hi Dani! What's up?" The girl swayed side to side with her hands behind her back. "Mhh nothing much!" She looked at the cup of water. "Don't you have a water bottle?" Gregory flinched when he saw that the cup was overfilled. "Ah-! Uhm yeah I do.. this is for someone else" she pouted.. jealousy? Really? "Oh.. who..?" Gregory looked back at the nurses office. "Uhm.. CC" Gregory knew that most kids knew his friend as Evan, but he liked to be called CC more. Gregory respected that. "Oh you mean Evan?" Gregory's eyes went half lidded with annoyance. "Yeah-" She nodded. "Why? What's wrong with him?" Dani kept up her preppy perfect attitude. "His stomach hurts.." Gregory started to turn back into the nurse office. Dani followed. Meanwhile CC still ate his crackers, enjoying his alone time with Gregory. Until he saw the girl. His expression went from happy and content, to annoyed and betrayed in a couple seconds. "Wha" is all he could muster. Dani smiled at him. She was, of course, unaware of his hatred. "U-uhm here you go CC.." Gregory handed to water to the boy. He definitely felt awkward with both of his friends in the room together. Especially since Evan wasn't happy at all. He took the water anyway, taking a small sip. Not taking his eyes off the preppy girl in front of him. She swayed side to side still, staring at Gregory with two pink cheeks. Dani felt it was time to leave.. the room was silent.. what was the point? She hugged Gregory and waved to Evan "goodbye now!" She skipped out of the room leaving CC dumbfounded with what he saw. Evan stared at the blue shirted boy who knew exactly why he was doing so. Gregory fidgeted as the boys multicolored eyes stared him down. He couldn't stand still. His face was hot with embarrassment. Gregory had told CC that Evan was the only one he cuddled and hugged. The only one he showed affection to. Gregory was a liar.

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