Chapter 12 {All Good Things Must Come To An End}

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{Image credit: @Freddiez-Arcade}💗💗

{Hey hey! This chapter is non-cannon so it's not part of the actual series! I just wanted to write something sort of sad for once lol, enjoy!}

Today was the day. The day all the oldest students graduated to middle school. However, Evan had no clue. The black sweatered boy sat in class, he was drawing a picture of him and his friend Gregory as per usual. He smiled a little as he drew in his friends smile.
All of a sudden the intercom buzzed, and the office lady's voice echoed throughout the school. "Can I have all the students, besides the ones graduating, come to the gym for assembly!" Evan perked up. He loved assemblies. Sure, they may be loud and very overwhelming, but fun nonetheless. He got up and joined his class walking towards the gym in a perfect line.

All the classes filed in, one by one. Evans class sat in the third front row. CC sat poshly and fixed his socks, Pulling them up all the way to his knees. His hair floofed around as he looked for Gregory. He wanted to know where he was, even if he couldn't sit with him. But... he didn't see him anywhere? Evan assumed he was probably in the back of the assembly. It took a while for everyone to get in their seat; but after they did, the assembly started. "Ok everyone! Now we're going to welcome our graduating students! Please give a round of applause to Mrs. Macy's Class!!" Evan clapped along with every other kid in the whole room. He watched all the older students walk across the stage in their little gowns and caps. He smiled, happy for them.

That is.. until he saw his best friend.. no wonder he didn't find Gregory in the crowd. He was up there. With the graduating class. CCs heart dropped. His eyes started to sting with tears.. Gregory was leaving?? Forever?? Evan gritted his teeth to stop his tears from falling but they just wouldn't stop. A couple of his classmates looked at him like he was crazy, did he care? Not at all. All he cared about was if he'd get to say goodbye at all... he watched Gregory bow and smile, hoping the brunette would glance over at him and at least wave. But how could he find the crying child in such a gaggle of other students.

A slideshow was projected onto the wall with pictures of all the grad students when they were littler and happy music played. All of it was drowned out for Evan. his best friend was never going to show his face in this school again... he was going to be left here. No other friends and no one else who appreciated him as much as Gregory did. All alone. There were some parents there, all congratulating their kids and clapping with big smiles. It seemed Evan was the only one crying out of pure despair. He didn't even think that this would happen.. he forgot how much older Gregory really was.. even though CC would be doing the same next year. Evans teary wet eyes scanned the entire gym, looking for his friend. He wanted to see him, to hug him, one last time. And he did, he found him. But ended up locking eyes with the tall figure that had his arms wrapped around the boy. Freddy.

Freddy waved to Evan, soon realizing the state his emotions were in. His face faded to a much more paranoid one. There was no doubt CC felt absolutely betrayed and confused. Freddy leaned down to Gregory and got his attention off his graduation, whispering something to the boy. Gregory scanned the audience for a moment, still not being able to find Evan. But he nodded at his father figure.

Soon enough all the teachers were taking the non-graduating students back to class. Mr. Rocs gestured for his class to get up, and Evan did. He was the last in the line, he didn't care to go back to class. He had stopped panicking about if he would see Gregory or not and just accepted that he wouldn't. He walked numbly back to class. Everything seemed so dull and useless.. without Gregory's energetic, colorful personality this place would seem incredibly gray.

The boy wiped his tears away, still crying at the bleak circumstances. His class filed into the room and he came very last, a hand grabbed his arm. He was startled out of his sad state, looking up at whoever dared to intrude on his gloominess. The warm, comforting smile of Gregory welcomed him. He had on his cap still, but not for long. Evan hugged him aggressively, his cap fell to the ground. "Gregory!!" The blue shirted boy smiled. "Hi Evan!" CC rubbed his tears and sad little face all over his friends shirt, soon remembering why they were there... "don't leave!! Please! You can leave me here!" He looked up at Gregory with probably the saddest expression the boy had ever seen, it made his own expression die... "I'm.. I'm sorry CC.. I don't really have a choice.." More tears fell down the poor boys face. "No no!! I'm gonna be here all alone!" Gregory's lower lip puffed out in a pout he couldn't control, and started to tremble. "I- I know... I'm really sorry." Evan didn't let go.. why would he? When it could be the last time he ever got to hug his best friend. "It's not fair.. will I ever get to see you again..?" Gregory nodded. "Of course you will.. we'll just have to hangout outside of school!" He smiled, trying to distract from the tears that fell down his face as well. "But you made school so fun.. I only came because of you.." Gregory hugged his friend tighter. "I know.. but hey, I'll be going to Edeson Middle School now. Maybe you can convince your dad to enroll you there! When it's time.." Evan sniffled. "Ok.. I'll try.." The brunette tilted the shorter boys chin up to look at him. "You will. Not try. You will, I'll be all alone there too yknow.. most kids are going to Printon.. but Freddy insisted I go here.. for whatever reason.." He rolled his eyes, then gave CCs pouting little face a smile. "Don't cry.. I'll hang out with you every weekend! And we'll do all sorts of fun stuff, ok?" CC nodded, he finally let go of Gregory.

Soon enough in the midst of their talking, Freddy appeared behind the boy. Putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you ready to go now Gregory?" The boy looked up at him. "Yep! Just one more hug!" He grabbed Evan up and hugged him tight, the boy snuggled back. "I'll miss you CC.. but I'll always be thinking of you" Evan nodded, there was no use in stopping the tears now. "I'll miss you too.. and I'll keep drawing picture of us.. like this one" he handed the drawing to his friend. Gregory took it and smiled. "Thank you Evan! I'll put it on my wall ok! But uhm.. I gotta go now.. see ya around CC"
"Bye bye.. Gregory.."Gregory practically had to pry the boy off him.

CC wiped his tears on his sleeve and watched as Gregory and Freddy walked out the door. The boy in the blue shirt turned around and waved one last time before the closing of the door separated them. Evan sobbed once more.

"I miss you already.."

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