Chapter 9 {Kisses make everything better}

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{Image credit: I don't actually know, but thank you lovely human ^^ 💗💗}

The bell rang, quite loudly actually. It caused CC to flinch.. but he got up out of his seat nonetheless and grabbed his backpack. It was lunchtime! He was excited to see Gregory, it would be the first time today, since he came in late and didn't make it to class. Evan skipped through the hallway to the cafeteria, his mind was filled with all the lunch options he could have and trying to decide between all of them.

Soon enough he was in line, going very slowly towards the food options. He grabbed a slice of cheese pizza, a cup of ranch and some strawberries. Though he couldn't possibly forget his chocolate milk. He took his food over to the table where Gregory sat normally, but he couldn't find him... CC knew he was here today so where was he?? Not this again.. "Psst! CC!"
Evan turned around to see Gregory peeking out from a classroom that was not in session. "Wha- what are you doing in there??" Now is when CC noticed that Gregory looked absolutely livid. "Just cmere." He obliged and walked right over with his food, his friend closed the door behind them.
CC watched as Gregory sat angrily in a chair and put his head down on the desk. Evan hesitantly came over. "Uhm.. you ok?" The chubbier boy sat down next to Gregory, starting to open his milk. Gregory didn't have any food. "No. I'm not." CC shuddered, this was scary.. why was he so mad? Was it Evans fault? "W-what happened?" Gregory cocked his head so he could see the boy next to him. "Yknow all those people I play with in pe? And music?" Evan nodded, chewing his pizza. "Yeah they're all leaving me out on purpose. And being mean to me. Calling me names and kicking things at me."

Evan stopped chewing. Why would anyone be mean to Gregory? How could anyone be mean to Gregory! He was outraged. "What! Why??" Gregory scoffed. "Cause they're.. they're.. assholes!" He put his head back down on the table. Evans eyebrows furrowed. "Awh Gregory.. I'm sorry.. that's so mean! I'd yell at them if I knew who they were!" He pouted. But cc noticed that Gregory didn't respond, or move frankly. He leaned in a little more. The boy in the blue shirt moved his head to look at Evan. And Evans heart dropped.

Gregory's face was covered in tears. Streaming down his face like they would when CC would excessively cry. But now that it was Gregory, it was very different. CC almost cried upon seeing the boy in front of him cry. "Gregory no.." he scooted the entire chair over and wrapped an arm around his friend. "Don't cry.. uhm.. we can tell the teacher! And get them in trouble ok!?" The blue shirted boy smiled a little, but buried his face more. "Yeah, But.. CC.. I thought they were my friends! They said they'd always be there for me and.. now they're being mean.. what did I do?" He looked up at Evan, his face a mess of tears and redness now. Evans lower lip trembled. "You didn't do anything.. it's all them! They're mean and rude and gross! Stay away from them ok? Or.. or I'll yell at them!" Gregory turned his head slowly back over. "What if.. I want you to yell at them?" Evans eyes widened. "Uhm.. I don't think I'm actually brave enough.." he looked down, ashamed of his skittishness. Gregory chuckled. "Knew it. But it would be nice to see them get told off.." Evan nodded as he took a bite of his pizza.

The two of them made jokes about the kids and made fun of them to help Gregory feel better. They talked and talked until Evan had finished his lunch and lunch itself was over. But they didn't exactly know that.. they were too busy on the floor in the corner. Evan sitting so close he was practically on Gregory's lap.

"Haha! And his hair sticks up in a funny way! Why is he making fun of mine??" Evan giggled, it was funny to hear Gregory make fun of people. "You're so funny Gregory! I'm sorry they're so mean to you, they're just jealous of how funny and handsome you are!" CC hugged the boy after his statement, and Gregory was able to hide his blush as he hugged back. CC backed up and looked at Gregory with a smile. His pretty brown eyes were unlike anything CC had ever seen, he also had never seen Gregory up close like this before... to CC he had soft plump lips and rosy cheeks, he had nicely brushed hair and still that bandaid on his face.

Not even Evan knew what came over him. But before he could blink or say anything, his lips were pressed to Gregory's. It felt so natural and nice. Gregory even kissed back. But, once he realized what he did, he pulled away immediately. His face hotter and redder than the strawberries he had today. He scanned Gregory, seeing if he hated him now or not.. Gregory was just as red as Evan. They stared at each other for a couple moments, thoughts racing through their heads until they both realized that the other had liked it as well. Gregory blinked a couple times, his stomach felt all swirly with butterflies as he leaned forwards and kissed the boy again. This time it was less anxiety inducing and more loving and sweet, it only lasted a couple seconds. just a little peck. But to Evan and Gregory, it lasted much longer. They smiled at each other and both squealed and hugged, feeling very loved by one another. "Hehe you're so cute CC!" Evan wiggled happily as he listened to his friends words. "You too Gregory!" The blue shirted boy blushed, that was rare. But right now they were both vulnerable and in their feelings.

"CC.." Evan tilted his head. "That was rare.. I'm not gonna kiss you like that often ok.. s-so treasure it when it does happen.." he was very embarrassed. But Evan jumped on him and hugged him. "Ok!!" Gregory smiled. "Your kisses are very special!" Gregory nodded. "A delicacy." CC giggled, looking over at the clock. "Ah!! We're late to class!" Gregory's head flew to the clock as well. "Oh-! Eh- it's ok..". Gregory smiled, he wasn't one to care if he was late or not. Or even if he showed up at all. Evan on the other hand was panicked and afraid he was going to get in trouble. "But Gregory! What if we get found! They'll call my dad!!" The blue shirted boy smiled a little. "They won't call your dad, well.. immediately that is. You'll have to make offenses multiple times before that happens." CC pouted. Gregory was a trouble maker so he was used to punishments and how they worked. Evan sighed. "Ok.. I trust you.. but if we do get in trouble I'm blaming you!" Gregory smiled and pat his friends hair.
"That's fair"

Gregvan {Elementary School AU}Where stories live. Discover now