Chapter 8 {Where are you??}

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{Image credit: @appleheart_04}💗💗

Tick tock, tick tock. Evan watched the clock. Minutes went by as his anxiety grew and grew. Gregory hadn't shown up for class yet. Normally he was here by now, or there before CC even arrived. He tapped his foot impatiently, hoping the teacher wouldn't walk in, that meant it was too late for anyone to come in; Even for all the kids that showed up late everyday. His lower lip trembled as he heard the teachers footsteps approaching. As she walked in, many thoughts raced through his head. 'Was Gregory dead??' 'Hit by a bus on his way there?' 'Transferred schools??' None of those thoughts made his anxiety any better.

It took missing most of the lesson stressing about it and lots of thinking for CC to remember he had Gregory's contact information. But the problem was, Gregory had a tiny discrete watch. And Evan had a big clunky tablet, how was he going to message the boy without the teacher seeing?? CC grabbed his bag that held the tablet, walking up to the teacher. He pointed to the bathroom passes, she nodded and waved her hand dismissively. He was surprised she actually let him go, considering she didn't even like the poor boy. He ran out of the classroom with the blue bathroom pass. Smiling as he headed to the bathroom, he also had a frantic look to him however.

The stall door closed as the boy sat down and pulled out his tablet, opening his messaging app. Small typing clicks filled the bathroom as he sent a worried text to his friend.
[Gregory!! Where are you!!]
He bounced his leg impatiently as he stared at the screen, he looked up for a moment as someone else walked in and went into a stall. When he looked back down there was another message, a reply.
[Im sick, sorry I didn't tell you..]
Evan let out a sigh of relief, Gregory was not in fact dead.
[Awwww ok.. im gonna miss you then..]
Evan clicked send, that was another problem. He didn't get to hang out with his only friend all day! What was he going to do..
[I'll miss ya too CC]
[I hope you feel better and come In tomorrow!]
[I hope so too, we'll see though..]
[Goodbye now.. I have to get back to class other wise the teacher will yell at me..]
[Ok, love ya!]
Evans heart fluttered a little. Gregory loved him, he giddily headed back to the classroom.

For the rest of the day, CC didn't speak a word. There was no need to.. he had no friends to talk to and all the teachers knew him as mute. It was a sad day, especially since he ate lunch alone and there were a couple kids who thought it would've real funny to throw sauce packets at him. Good thing they didn't explode.

Currently, Evans father, William, was driving him to Gregory's house. CC thought it would be the best thing ever if he were to surprise his friend with himself! He couldn't wait to see the happy expression on the blue shirted boys face when he saw him. The car pulled into the driveway and William turned to look at his usually crying son. "Right, 'ere we are. Get out" Evan nodded and got out immediately. Running up to the door, he held a warm biscuit in his hands. Maybe it would help Gregory feel better! He rang the door bell and waited patiently. But, instead of Gregory, a tall figure's shadow fell over him. He had black pants, an orange shirt with a blue lighting bolt, and long orange and blue dreadlocks that matched his outfit. He had dark skin and tons of rockstar-ish jewelry and accessories. He looked down at the tiny chubby boy. He smiled with the most genuine smile Evans ever seen and waved. "Hello! What brings you here?" CC couldn't help by smile as he looked up at the man. "Uhm.. I'm here to see Gregory! He said he was sick so I came to him! I brought a biscuit" the man smiled. "Oh that's so nice of you! Come on in, My name is Freddy, I'm Gregory's foster father! I'm looking after him until someone decides to adopt him. though, it'll probably be me"
He whispered that last part with a smile, just to himself. Evan walked in and held the biscuit pridefully. He listened to Freddy's words with a smile as he showed him the way to Gregory's room. "So what's your name little one?"
Evan looked up at him. "My name is Evan but I go by CC!" Freddy nodded. "I see I see, well it's very nice to meet you CC!" Evan smiled, he liked that name.

CC waddled after the tall man. Their house was very big and different compared to Evans house, he thought it was amazing.

Freddy swung the door open, Gregory's room was huge. His bed was a queen bed, the closet was a walk-in and it was absolutely pristine. Evan was taken back. "Gregory, you have a visitor!" The lump in Gregory's bed sprouted a head, he turned over to look at Evan. "Huh.. oh.. hi Evan!!" He smiled brightly upon seeing his friend, he didn't expect to see him at all. Evan bounced excitedly. "Hiii Gregory!!" Freddy smiled at their happiness and then closed the door behind him. "Have fun you two! And Gregory- don't make yourself worse you hear me?" "Yeah yeah!" Gregory coughed.

Evan waddled over, sitting on Gregory's bed with him. "Guess what I brought you!!" Gregory sat up a little more, keeping his legs under the blankets. "Hm? What is it?" He looked at the tin foil that was placed neatly in CCs hands. Evan started to unravel it. "Itsss.. a biscuit!!" Gregory smiled, he was much calmer than normal. He definitely was sick. "Yay!! Thanks Evan!" The blue shirted boy coughed a couple times and made a distressed face before taking the biscuit carefully. Gregory put it to his mouth and took a bite, Evan watched closely to see if he liked it or not. "Woah! That's really good! Did you make it?" CC shook his head. "Mh no.. I got it at the store!" Gregory nodded, taking more bites. Evan scooted closer to Gregory and wrapped his soft arms around him, pulling him in and hugging him close. "Ah- What are you doing!! I'm sick! I'll get you sick!" Gregory tried to pull away for the sake of Evans immune system. But the boy didn't let up. "No, I don't mind if I'm sick! Maybe we can be sick together and nap!" Gregory raised an eyebrow.. "I've never heard of anyone who wants to be sick.." CC shook his head "I don't wanna be sick, but if I have to so I can love you, then so be it!"
Evan nuzzled the boys cheek, a soft pink blush forming on his face. "CC Staahp.."

Soon enough they had migrated to just flat out cuddling. CC was laying on Gregory's chest with his smaller arms underneath the boy. Gregory had one arm behind his head and one on CCs back. He rubbed his back comfortingly. "Thanks for coming to see me.. I really appreciate it!" Evan smiled and nodded. "Of course Gregory! But uhm.. I starting to rethink the not caring if I get sick.." He pouted at Gregory. Gregory pouted back. "Eh well you-" he was interrupted by a cough from CC, followed by a big sniffle. The older boy chuckled "it might be too late" Evan sighed, resting his head back on his friends chest. Gregory tapped him on the shoulder "but guess what, you don't have to go to school if you're sick. And we can hang out and eat biscuits all day!" Evans smiled returned as he wiggled around happily. He stayed on Gregory's warm chest and eventually fell asleep on him. Goodnight, sick ones.

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