Chapter 3 {Why are you mad at me?}

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{image credit: Purple_Vanny87} 💗💗

Gregory and Evan had changed into more comfy clothes and were unpacking their backpacks and doing chores. Eventually they had finished and had some alone time. CC laid on the bed and Gregory sat facing him with a milkshake. "So how was your day?" Evan smiled and started going off about his day from start to finish. The blue shirted boy smiled and listened intently to the other, he loved the smaller boys accent and could listen to him talk all day. But soon Evan got to the lunch part of the day.. his tone changed and he pouted "and I had to sit alone.. and- and I cried.." Gregory frowned, he felt like it was his fault.. and even though it kinda was, he still felt bad since Evan really shouldn't have guilted him for it. "I'm- I'm sorry" The older boy wasn't too good with affection or apologies so he was trying his best all while feeling awkward. Evan pouted and turned away from him, he was being a brat. Gregory furrowed his eyebrows. "Wha! Don't turn away from me!" Gregory grabbed Evans shoulder and shook him a little. The smaller boy made a grunt of frustration in response and turned further away, muffling his face into the pillows. Gregory smacked Evans leg, he was never really taught that hitting wasn't exactly acceptable. Evan moved his leg back and kicked Gregory in the shin, it wasn't hard but it probably hurt mentally and physically. "Ow! You're mean!" Gregory crossed his arms as he stared at his friend. "Just cause I have other friends??" Evan grunted again, probably a 'yes'
"that's not fair!!" Gregory huffed, he was angry. He just wanted to have a nice time with his friend at his house and he's acting like this?? Evan let a couple tears fall, he was mad at Gregory but he wanted the boy to hold him and tell him it was ok. every time he thought about it, the image of him sitting with that girl would pop into his head and make him angrier. He held his head and sniffled. Gregory looked him up and down and crisscrossed his legs and held onto his shins, rocking back and forth. "Look.. would you want me to get mad when you tried to hang out with your other friends?" He was trying to fix the problem.. Evan looked over at him with one eye peeking out from his arm. "I don't have any other friends.." Gregory stopped rocking. "Oh- uhm.. well.. I don't know then.." Evan hmpfed and buried his face in his pillows again. The blue shirted boy very slowly moved over and pressed his stomach to Evans back, wrapping an arm around him. His face nestled in the chubbier boys neck. "It's not like I cuddle her.. it's just you.. you're the only one I trust.." CC's eyes widened. His face turning bright red as the other spooned him happily. Gregory made soft happy noises as he held Evan, plus he was very warm.. it was perfect. "Really?" CC smiled slightly. Gregory smiled as well. "Yeah, but don't tell anyone.. it's a little embarrassing.."
CCs face was pure pink. he nestled into Gregory and curled up a little more. Making a tiny hum of satisfaction as well. Gregory pulled him in and wrapped his other arm around the small chubby boy. "Come here, you wanted to cuddle right?" Evan couldn't help but smile, he felt a lot better now. Evan curled his arm back and tried to grab up his friend but he couldn't reach.. he decided it was probably best if he just turned around. So he did.
Now Gregory and Evans noses were almost touching as they looked at each other with small, wholesome blushy smiles. Gregory held onto Evans waist and Evan had his arms wrapped around Gregory's. They stared for a while, just taking in each others love. Evans stomach was twisting and turning with all sorts of butterflies as he looked at the others beautiful brown eyes. Gregory on the other hand, his gaze went from one eye to the other. Examining Evans unique multicolored irises. The smaller boy chuckled softly, receiving a kiss on the nose from the other. Evan couldn't stop staring at Gregory's cheek after that.. but why? He felt like he wanted to eat his friend. But that couldn't be fright at all.. Evan finally figured out why he was staring. He wanted to kiss the boy. Hold him close and nuzzle his nose into his hair and smell his comforting scent. CC decided to make a move. he got even closer to his friend, causing Gregory to become embarrassed. His face went red he looked away a little. Evan looked at the older boys pretty brown eyes and spoke softly to him "come on Gregory, it's just me! Don't be embarrassed! Uhm.. can I kiss your cheek?"
Gregory's eyes widened. Kisses?? He always thought they were gross.. he nodded a bit "yeah s-sure.." Evan smiled and became very giddy. He planted a tiny kiss on Gregory's left cheek. "Mwah!" Gregory smiled and shut his eyes. He immediately buried his face in Evans chest. He was never touchy, and that was entirely new to him. Gregory nuzzled into his friend taking in his yummy vanilla-ish scent and tried to block out the embarrassment. Evan held onto him and pulled him in close, Gregory definitely didn't smell like vanilla... but he surly had his own smell and Evan loved it. It was the smell of someone he loved dearly. he kissed Gregory's head and closed his eyes, peaceful.

Gregvan {Elementary School AU}Where stories live. Discover now