Chapter 4 {A new day}

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{Image credit: @zeeowo_}💗💗

The bell chimed as Evan sat down. He was very confident in his outfit today. He wore a baggy grey sweater and his little denim shorts. He paired this with two dark brown shoes. He sat poshly at his table and awaited Gregorys arrival. He couldn't wait to show his crush how cute he was today. He got out his sketch book and started to draw a butterfly. But as soon as he did he heard loud clomping through the hallway, along with a shout from a teacher "Gregory! Knock it off!" Evan giggled. He knew exactly what was going on. Gregory got up from all fours and giggled as the teacher nudged him into the room. For some reason, he liked to gallop down the halls. He sat down next to his friend and put his back pack down, wiping off his hands on his shirt. Evan smiled. "Gregory! Look at my pretty outfit!" The other boy glanced over and looked him up and down, then smirked. "Mhh- do a spin" Evans cheeks went pink but he stood up anyway. Spinning around with the smallest smile of satisfaction. Gregory scanned him, putting on a judging face as if he were solving something. "Hmm.. ok.. yeah! You're pretty cute" Evan covered his face. "Thank you!" Soon enough the teacher came in and stood at the front of the class. "Ok listen up! We got a ton of work to get through today so I need you all to have brought you best!" Evan sighed, he hated work. Especially busy work. He looked at Gregory's arm, he wanted to grab it and hold it close. He knew Gregory would probably get mad at him if he did though. He tried anyway. Snaking his arm around the others and pulling it in. The darker brunette could barely resist the soft sweater and warm love coming from Evan. But it was embarrassing.. so he just tried to wiggle his arm away. Evan held on tight, he wasn't gonna let him go. No way. This arm was his. The teacher blabbed on about all the work, stressing Evan out. But holding onto his crush helped quite a bit. That is until he got snapped at for it. "Evan! Hands to yourself." In front of the whole class. CC quickly pretended like he wasn't doing anything; but that didn't work at all. He was embarrassed, stressed, and the fact that Gregory stuck his tongue out at him didn't help at all. He felt very overwhelmed, knowing he didn't have Gregory's support hurt a lot. Evan got up and tried to quietly leave the room. Maybe the school counselor would help? Could he find a quiet space to relax? But the teacher snapped her fingers. "Evan, sit down. Now Is not the time for bathroom breaks." Evan pouted sadly he tried to signal that he was going to have a meltdown if he didn't leave. Pointing to his eyes as his lower lip trembled. "Nope sit. I'm giving lessons right now. It's time to listen." He went back to his seat, he could feel the entire class staring at him, including Gregory's. He put his head down as the teacher rolled her eyes and continued the lesson. He felt the warmth of his tears coating his cheeks. His nose clogging up and the familiar headache he received. But something warm embraced him.. Gregory? Yep! He gave the boy a sweet hug and held him close "are you ok cc? I'm sorry I stuck my tongue out at you.. I didn't know you were sad.. is everything ok?" Evan smiled a little but shook his head. "Mh.. what's wrong?" Evan turned his head towards his crush. "I'm stressed.. and- and I wanna leave and go cry.. but- but she won't let me" Gregory looked up at the teacher and furrowed his eyebrows with a pout. "Here let's go together, ok? I'll take you to the one bathroom that can lock. We can stay in there until you feel better!" Gregory rubbed Evans shoulder and the boy smiled. "Ok.." Gregory stood up and waited for Evan to do the same. Then the two headed to the door. "Excuse me you two, did you not hear what I just said." Gregory smiled at Evan before turning to the teacher. "We did, it's an emergency"
"Why do both of you need to go?"
"Because he needs someone with him"
"I think he'll be fine on his own"
"No he told me he wants me with him."
"Well then I'll get the counselor to go with him. He can't disrupt your learning."
"Well if you got the counselor, it would disrupt her working so either way it's not good."
"Then he'll go by himself"
"No, he won't."
And just like that Gregory dragged the sobbing boy out the door and they both high stepped it to the bathroom. Gregory had a stupid smile on his face. He felt so powerful. The door latched and Gregory locked it. He turned around to his friend who sat on the floor, face buried in his arms. Gregory sighed and crouched next to him. "So.. wanna tell me what's up?" Evan sniffled. He didn't wanna tell him it was partly his fault, but also didn't want to seem petty. He lifted his sad head up, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Mh.. I don't like all the work.. it's too much.." Gregory pouted "well I can help you with it if you want." The blue shirted boy sat down next to Evan on the green tiled floor. Evan sniffled "ok but.. what if you get stressed too?" Gregory shook his head. "I won't, you see. I don't care too much about grades and all that.. but if I'm doing the work to help you feel better, I'll do it. no sweat!" The tiny boy wanted to grab Gregory into a hug right there but he held back. Instead he just nodded and continued crying. He was very sad that his friend didn't like affection as much as he did. "Uhm.. why are you crying more.. that was supposed to help.." Evan looked at his friend and his lower lip practically vibrated. "Woah- what?? did I touch a nerve..??"
"N-no.. I just wish you- you liked to hug me as much as I like to hug you.." Gregory stuck out his lower lip as well. "Mh.. well the thing is with that.. is.. I don't like to do all that stuff with other people watching.. but when we're alone, like right now, it's totally fine!" He grabbed Evan up and kissed him all over his little sad head. CC giggled and kissed him all over back. Wiping his tears on his sleeve. Gregory looked at the chubbier boy "You gotta respect that.. ok? Just like I respect you not liking your stomach touched.." CC nodded and smiled a little, kissing Gregory on his soft cheek. "Can we cuddle..? I'm still a little sad" Gregory's eyes widened. "Now??" CC nodded. "Mhh fiiine.." Gregory grabbed up the shorter boy and held him close like the perfect pillow he was. Evan smiled as he held onto Gregory's slender arms. He smiled, his soft hair and skin helped Gregory relax a little more into the snuggle. and they stayed there for the rest of that class period.

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