30{Their wedding} p1.❤️

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Dear jenny... today is your wedding day.. the most beautifull day in your life.. i remember when we went looking for yiu wedding suit it was so fun to see you laugh and having fun during the fitting it felt so amazing to see you happy honey , you have no idea how much it meant to me honey.. i mean when i see you next to vic you're smilling non stop and it's so amazing for a mother to see her daughter smile again after so many bad moment wich had to do with me.. and i am sorry for that honey.. that you hat to go trough this tought time.. and i know you'll say that it's not fault just the fault of that stupid sickness.. but it feels like it .. anyways let's just not talk about me .. today is about you sweetie  it's about; the most beautifull day of your life <3 

I love you so much sweetie<3

Xxx. mom

{jenny's pov} *11am*

Kisses mom.. omg she wrote this for me.. omgg..



'Are you okay??'

'Y-yeah i just read my mom's letter she gave me for our wedding day... it's beautifull..'

'Aww amore.. please don't cry already..'

'I am sorry.. i can't help it.. i just wish she could be her right now instead of beging in the hospital again...'

'I know baby i know.. but she'll get better after that sugery..'

' i hope so...'

'She will amore.. now shall we take a shower??'

'Uhh.. yeah sure..'

'Good.. now please wipe those tears away amore..it's the most Beautifull day of our lives..'

'I know vic..'

**and they look eachother in the eyes when jenny starts kissing vic and she lead her to the bathroom**




'What's wrong??..'

**jenny says while vic pulls back**

'Nothing amore it's just that i wanted to wait.. i mean our wedding night..'

'Uhh okay...'

' i am sorry..'

'Vic don't say that.. i love you and i also wanna wait okay?..'


'Now how about that shower???'


~time skip~ *1:30pm* *at a little church in rome*

{vic's pov}

The time has finally arrived i am going to marry my best friend.. i can't belive i am even saying this.. it feels just so unreal to say it.. like i've know jenny since the day she moved here a couple of years back and now after everything we've been trough.. every step of the way has lead us here... to our wedding day i couldn't be more happier.. than i already i am.. i just love her so much.. my jenny.. my wife.. haha it feels so weird to say that.. Haha..

*at the altar*

Priest; 'today we are here to bring this woman and this other beautifull woman together forever.. now repeat after me..'

'I jenny.. take you..'

'I vic.. take you..'

'As my wife..'

'As my wife...'

'And i'll love you..'

'And i'll love you..'

'Take care of you...'

'Take care of you..'

'For better..'

'For better or worse'

'For better or worse..'

'In sickness and in health...'

'In sickness and in health.. i promise you jenny..'

'In sickness and in healt i promisse you..victoria..'

Priest; 'you may now kiss eacohter..'

*and they look eaochter in the eyes and their heads are one step closer from kissing*

'I love you..'

'I love you..'

**and the smile at eacohter for s second and then the kiss eaochter passiontlly**

'We're married..'❤️



Omg.. this it ehehe for noww anyways thank youu so muchh for reading this story i didn't know that it would blow up.. and i just couldn't be more greatfull! ❤️❤️ and i just wanna say;  thank youuu so so so much! For reading this story and thank you everyone who voted and all my lovely readers!!😘😘

Xxxes .

Are we friends or are we more? ❤️ {Victoria de angelis} Where stories live. Discover now