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{Vic's pov}

It's a couple of days later..  and me and jenny got into a huge fight because of the letter she got from her ex clair.. and now we're not talking.... Wich makes it worse cause she left and i am all alone now...

Ohh.. my phone is buzzing... ohh omg! Jenny!



'Babe what's wrong???'

'M-my mom... she's in the hospital... it's not going w-well.. vic.. she's no-...'

'Shh jenn.. please don't cry.. i am already on my way babe..'


~and they hang up~

*after some time* *they're at the hospital* *8pm*

{vic's pov}

'Shhh baby.. It's okay.. she will make it Amore'

'I-i mean wh-what if she doesn't?...'

'Then she will be in a beautifull place just like your dad amore..'

*and jenny looks into vic's eyes with tears  while vic is hugging jenny*

'shhh.. amore please don't cry again.. i don't wanna see you cry baby'

'V-vic... i am so sorry.. for everything'

'It's all good baby.. it's all good.. i know i can trust you...'

'I love you vic..'

'I love you to amore.. now your mom's sleeping..so shall we go home??'

'Uhhh.. y-yeah...'

'You sure??cause we could stay for a while.. babe'

'Yeah i would like that.. i don't wanna leave her'

'I get it babe i didn't wanted to leave my mom either when she was sick..oh hi.. mrs Rosefield'

'Mom!.. oh sorry hi.. mom how you're feelling?..'

'I feel fine.. sweetie..'

'You sure mrs rosefield'

'Victoria please call me marie...

'i know mrs ros-marie...'

'Good.. now how are you guys??... still in love??'

'Yes we are mom.. and we'e going to get married very soon..'

'Ahh i know you told me sweetheart i hope i can still be there then.. i cause i wouldn't miss it for the world.. baby'

'Awww mom....'

**and jenny hugs her**

'I hope you're going to make it mom...'

'Honey.. i don't kn-'

'Don't say that mom i really want you at my wedding..'

'I'll be there sweetheart now.. did you already find a dress??... jenn'

'Uhh no..actually no..'

'Shall we go look for one tomorrow??'



'But mom your sic-'

'No buts tomorrow we're going to buy you a beautifull dress or a suit'

'A suit that's sounds even better mom..'

'Good sweetie..'


Enjoy! See youuu next time💛

Are we friends or are we more? ❤️ {Victoria de angelis} Where stories live. Discover now