~Stupid Cupid - Chapter 22

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After the strange dream I couldn't, for the life of me, fall back to sleep. I looked over at the clock a dozen times before finally decided to get up, get dressed, and get training. I guess when you're a demigod who can't sleep training becomes your absolute best friend.

The sun is just starting to rise and there are a few nymphs prancing around like baby deer. All three of the targets for archery have about thirty arrows sticking from the bull's eye. Two of the eight dumbies are lying in pieces around the now hacked up stick they once stood. My back is turned away from the third dumby and my sword is in my hand ready to attack. A deep breath fills my lungs and I spin around landing several hits on the dumby before his head flies off. I bend the water in the air and shoot the head into the unknown.

"Careful, Samurai. Don't need a water nymph at your door for littering. Little buggars those ones." I turn to the voice of an unknown person. Their accent has a hint of Brit maybe Australian.

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously and the tip of my sword is point at the person's throat just under his chin.

"Eh, mate, no need for this. Only demigods can come in the camp, remember?" The guy's hands are in the air in surrender. I remove my blade.

"What's your name?"

"Seth Boarder. Aphrodite child."

"I've never seen you before. Piper's never mentioned you either."

"Piper doesn't get along with most of her cabin mates and I usually stay in the shadows. I've been back in my hometown up in Australia. Just got back."

"From the outback?" I lift an eyebrow at my own joke.

"Har har. Very funny, mate. Who are you anyhow?"

"Skylar Rey Coast. Poseidon."

"Ah, Kelphead's got himself a sister. Mighty fine sister at that." I try not to blush at his comment.

"You wanna hang out sometime? Dinner maybe?" My smile drops as I realize he just asked me out.

"Listen, I know you just got back but you really shouldn't be asking me that." I laugh lightly and turn back to the dumby.

"C'mon babe. Just one date."

"You're about to get in a lot of trouble."

"What's the worst that could happen?" As if on cue, the ground rumbles and a skeleton hand grads Seth's leg. At the same time, ice forms around his hands as handcuffs. More skeletal hands reach up.

"You're about to find out unless you tell my girlfriend you're extremely sorry, mate." Nico hisses at him.

"You're dating the son of Hades?" Seth almost yelps.

"You bet." Nico's grin is scary evil and it's kinda hot.

"I... I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. Please, let me go." Nico laughs once and then waves a hand. The skeletal hands let go and retreat back into the ground. I melt the handcuffs and Seth runs back to the cabins.

Nico comes over to me in long strides. He wraps his arm tightly around my waist and then bends down so his mouth is to my ear. "You're mine. Remember that, Mia Oceano." His voice sends a shiver down my spine. " And if anyone ever gives you a problem, tell them they'll visit my dad a lot sooner then they want to. They might even get a surprise visit to the goddess of misery herself."

"Even though I think your hot when you're angry does not mean you can go around grabbing every guy who looks at me with skeletons."

"Awe! Why not?" Nico puts his bottom lip out making a pouty face.

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