~Stupid Cupid - Chapter 3

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        I woke with a gasp and my my mom turned to me.

"Are you okay, Sky?" Was I okay?

"I'm fine, mom. Just a weird dream." But was that the truth? Was there actually some meaning to my dream?

My mom looked at me skeptically but let it pass.

"So, where is this place you're taking me?"

"New York." I almost choked on my own spit.

"New York?"

"Yes. It's a camp for people like you."

"So, now I'm going the loony bin."

"No. You are going to a camp."

"Oh, so, a loony bin camp. Much better."

"Skylar Rey Coast."

"Alright, alright." I gave in but couldn't get what the figure said out of my head. Will you let the world die or will you let a loved one die?    

When we finally made it to New York I thought we'd get a room in a hotel but my mom took me straight to the camp - well, strawberry fields.

"Walk up the hill and enter the camp entrance. I need to head back to California to settle things over but I'll let you know when I get there, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, mom." I said and looked at the hill in front of me. I looked behind me and saw my mom driving off.

I clutched my necklace and walked up the hill which was extremely hard. About half way up I heard twigs snapping and turned around. I saw three girls running towards me but they had one bronze leg and one donkey leg, fangs, and fire for hair. I gulped, eyes wide, and ran up the hill. When I passed the first tree, I tripped and hurt my ankle. The girls were coming closer and I thought I saw their eyes turn red. I blinked and realized that their eyes had turned red.

"Empousai," I muttered grabbing my pocket knife and whipped out the blade. They're not supposed to be real. I saw the edges of my eyes start to become black but I forced myself to get up and limp/run to the entrance of the camp. I was just about to pass the borders when a strong hand pulled me back.

"Not so fast," one of the empousa said. I swiped my knife across her face and then her arm and turned only to be met by the two other empousai. I can't seem to get a break.

"You're not going anywhere." They hiss together and the third joins her friends again.

They advance towards me and I take a shaky step back. They hiss with laughter making me agitated. One of them grabs my arm and bends it back but I flip them over and stab them with my knife. All thats left is a pile of gold dust. I kick the dust and look at the others.

"No!" they scream and looked back at me. "You shall pay!"

The last two run at me. One of them jumps and tries to tackle me but I bend down and stick my knife in the air making it rain dust. The last one looks at me with hatred and tackles me to the ground. I struggle under the weight but manage to get away from her. I can feel my energy waning but I push on.

"You'll die slowly," the thing laughs and shoves me with incredible power making me fall back.

I take the advantage and trip her. As she falls, I cut her neck and she dissolves like her friends did. I feel completely exhausted and the last thing I see before the darkness takes over is a boy running towards me.

When I wake, I'm not in my room, I'm in some type of hospital like the infirmary in Harry Potter. I blink and see that it's all real. I try to sit up but feel extremely woozy and crash back down on the bed groaning.

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