Grocery Trip

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Its around noon and Ana needs me to go to the grocery store to get here a few things she needs for today's dinner.
I grabbed my small crossbody bag and tossed in my wallet and my phone.
Once I was ready, I walked downstairs.
" Ana, You need anything else?" I asked making sure thats all she needed.
" Yea thats all i need." She called.
" Alright. I wont take long!" I opened the door and walked out.
It was bright and sunny today, the sun is cherping and the birds are shining.
I took a step down the stairs and i heard a truck pulled over in front of the house.
I looked at the red truck and a girl stepped out. She was wearing a summer dress and the highest heels i ever seen. She looked at me and smiled and i smiled back. I watched her walk up to the neighbors house. Which is where that one cute guy lives at. Maybe that's his girlfriend. Thats why he didnt even look at me at the party.

A loud car honk, knocked me out of my silly thought. I turned around and it was Lucas.
" Hey beautiful, you going somewhere?" He asked.
" Yes i have to go to the local grocery store." I spoke.
" Ill take you." He said opening the car door for me.
" Oh no Lucas. I can walk plus its a beautiful day today. And the store isnt that far."
" No No. I'll take you. At least let me drive you there and you can walk back." He suggested.
" Fine." I gave in and jumped into the car.
He smiled and closed the door. He jumped into the driver's seat and pulled out the drive way.

" Seat belt on?" He asked.
" Yes." I smiled.
He looked at me through the mirror and smiled.
" So are you feeling comfortable in the house and everything?" He asked.
" A little bit. Sometimes, I feel a little overwhelmed. But its okay." I spoke.
" Well if you need anything. My room is on the 3 floor to the right. Im always in my room." He smiled.
" Thanks. " I nodded. He took a left turn and there was the store.
He stopped outside. I unbuckled my seat belt.
" Thanks Lucas. I'll see you back at the house. Thanks again." I opened the door and stepped out.
" No problem. Bye beautiful. " I closed the door and walked into the store.
It took me a complete hour and a half to find all what I needed.
I spent 30 minutes, looking a specific spice Ana needed for today's food.
I grabbed my basket and walked to the cash registers. I stood behind line 3. I placed all the things on the counter and she scanned everything through.
" Its will be, $24.67." She smiled.
I gave her 25 and she handed me the change.
I placed it in my purse and smiled.
I grabbed the bags and make my trip back home.
I was turning the corner when I saw the house. I was looking around, when I noticed some one sitting by the neighbors gate... crying.
I frowned my eyebrows and as I got closer I noticed it was one of the lads that came over last night to the parkers home.
I remember him, I believe his name is, Neymar.
I walked closer and stood in front of him.
" Excuse me young sir, but are you alright?" I asked.
He looked up at me with crystal shinning hazel eyes.
" Why do you care?" He hissed.
" Im sorry, I was just concerned."
" You dont even know me. Why dont you mind your own business and go back to being a Maid." He spat.
" I sorry for bothering you sir." I apologized and continued walked home.
I opened the gate with my small key and locked the gate behind me. I turned back to look at the young boy, and he was looking staright at me.
I quickly turned and walked inside.
I opened the door and closed it behind me.
I rushed to the kitchen and quickly unpacked everything from the bags.
" Did you find everything? " Ana asked.
" Yup." I smiled.
" Good. How was the walk home?"
" It was nice." I grinned leaving out the rude young man from earlier.
" Well go do your chores."
I smiled and walked to the board.
First thing I have to do is clean the young Mr And Mrs rooms and do the laundry.
I turned a around made my way to their rooms to clean.

Its been about 15 minutes since I've been outside and some maid approached me and asked me if I was okay.
And I was rather rude which I really regret. I watched her walk away and I didn't know she the new maid Noah was talking about yesturday at his party.
I didn't really look at her, when Noah brought her into the room.
All I knew was that Noah liked her.
But now that I saw her face to face, she's just like Noah described.
She's beautiful. Her hair flows perfectly. Her amazing bright hazel green eyes. Perfect tan skin.
And I was an asshole to her.
I feel horrible.
I wish I could just to apologize. Maybe next time I go hang with Noah.
" Neymar come back inside. Beth is waiting for you. Dont be rude." My mom spoke walking towards me.

" No mom. Im not coming inside. Why don't you understand? Im only 20. Im not ready to get married and raise a family. Im barely in college. Im fixing my life. I cant get married yet. Plus ive told you so many times, I don't like Beth."

" We've talked about this. You'll learn to love her, just give it time. She's a lovely girl, and her family have the same economic level as us. You two are meant to be. Just that you haven't realized it. Now common lets go inside." I signed and went inside to my future fiancee.
I looked over at Noah's, thinking of the maid.
An arranged marriage is the worst.

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