Leaving Home

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I woke up around 4:00 a.m. to get ready and gather all my thing. Its now 5:45 a.m.
I placed my last set of cloths in a my suit case and closed it up. I took a beep breath and looked around my now empty room.
" Sure gonna miss this place." I whispered to myself.
I heard a knock on the front door and knee it was time to head downstairs.
I grabbed my suit cases and my backpack and headed downstairs.
" Hi miss. Im looking for Miss Chelsy Harper." A young boy, who I assume is the driver, asked my mom.
" I'm right here." I spoke from behind.
He saw my bag and came towards me and took my suitcases.
I walked behind him. My mom opened the front door for us to go. I turned around to look at all my family and just waved goodbye. If I said at least one word I would brake down into tears.
I closed the door and the driver was placing my suitcases in the trunk.
I waited for him to finish.
" You can sit in the back seat ma'am." He smiled.
I nodded and jumped onto the back seat. I placed my back pack by my side and locked my seat belt around me.
During the ride I thought about what might come ahead of me.
What if the Parker kids don't like me? Will I get fired? And if i get fired where will I go after? How will I help my parents?
Millions of other question came up to my mind as we pull up outside the Parkers home. Which is now my new home. Well for now.
He stopped the truck and I stepped out. I tossed my backpack on my back. And walked up to the trunk where the driver was at.
" I can take my suitcases." I smiled.
" Its okay ma'am. I can take them." he said pulling out my suitcases.
I nodded and went up to the gate. Irang the door bell. And Jerry came out to the open the gate for me.
" Morning Miss Harper."
" Morning." I smiled.
I stepped in and followed Jerry inside the house.
I walked in and Mr and Mrs Parker were in the living room again.
" Good morning Mr and Mrs Parker." I smiled.
" Morning dear." Mrs Parker smiled.
" Morning Chelsy."

" Chelsy you can go up to your room. I will be there in a sec to explain a few more things to you." Mrs Parker said taking a sip of her coffee. I nodded and walked to Jerry. He lead me upstair to a empty white room. Which I'm assuming is my new room.
The driver step down my bags by my bed.
" Thank you for bringing my bags." I smiled.
" No problem miss." He winked and walked out of my room.
My eyes widened at his sudden action. I set my backpack on my new bed.
I dragged one of my suitcases closer to one of the drawers and begins to pull my cloths out and place them neatly in the drawers.

When I was half way through my 2nd suitcase Mr Parker walked into my room.
" Chelsy." She smiled. And I smiled back.
" Were just going to go over a few things."
I nodded in agreement and sat down neatly so I can listen to what she is going to explain to me.
" Okay. So today you won't do anything. Take it as a settle sorta day. We will give you today to get comfortable to your new home. But tomorrow you will have a list of things to do. Seconds in that closet right there.-" She pointed at the clostet.
" In there, they're a few sets of uniforms you can wear. It doesn't matter which one you where first. Today again you don't need yo wear one. Tomorrow you will need to. And one last thing, tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. you need to start waking up my daughter and son for then to get ready for school. I think that's it for now."

" Yes Mrs. Parker. I'll make sure everything will go perfect. You won't regret hiring me." I assured her.
" I know I won't regret it. But anyways make yourself at home. You can wonder where ever you want." She smiled and exited the room.
I signed and continued fixing my cloths. Once I was finished I played down on my bed just looking at the ceiling.
I wonder how my life here will be. What if its worse than before. But what's is its better than before.
My stomach growled. Right I haven't ate since I left mom and dad's house. I jumped off the bed and walked to the kitchen.
When I got to the kitchen another worker was cooking.
She saw me and smiled.
" You must be Miss. Chelsy Harper?" She asked.
" Yes. Ma'am." I smiled.
" You hungry Miss Harper?"
" Yes. But don't call me Miss. Harper. Its makes me feel old." I shyly smiled.
" No problem Miss-. I mean Chelsy. I will make you something quick. And I'm Ana by the way." She grinned.
" Nice yo meet you Ana." I smiled.
I sat on a small stool and just looked around the kitchen. I have to get used to this gigantic house.
Its going to take a long time for me to get comfortable.

Once I finished eating I went back upstairs. I didn't notice that I had left my phone on my bed. I picked it up and I had 4 missed calls from my mom.
I picked it up and flipped it open.
Yes I flipped it open. I still had those old flip phones. I can't afford a nice IPhone everyone in this world has. I wish I had a nice phone but for now I have this flip phone.
I dialed my mom number and she answered on the 2nd ring.
" Chelsy are you okay?" She asked rather worried.
" Yea mom. I'm fine why?" I asked her.
" Chelsy. We miss you already." She said tearing up."
" Mom just left a few hours ago."
" Yes but those hours feel like years." She sobbed.
" Mom don't cry. I'll go visit you and dad tomorrow after I get off of work. I promise I'll go." I said trying to cheer her up.
" Okay." I could picture smiling of joy.
" Okay ma. I'll see you tomorrow. Well I have to go. Its Kate and I have to get to bed. I have to wake up early to start my job."
" Okay hun. Take care. Love you."
" I love you too mom. Bye." I hung up.
I layer back down on my bed. And thought about my mom.
Me and my mom have had an amazing relationship. She's always there for me. And always knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.
I sat up and adjusted my alarm clock. An alarm clock was placed on the nightstand beside me, before I arrived.
I settled back down on my bed and curled into a ball.
Work day number one here I come.

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