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Chelsy and I were having a great time on our walk when Chelsy received a call from Noah demanding her to go back home.
We linked arms and started our trip back.
" Race you there!" She started sprinting.
I laughed and ran after her. Not to long after we finally arrived.
We both stopped running and started laughing.
" I won!" Chelsy cheered.
I laughed. Our laughed didn't last long, our fun bubble was popped by Noah.
" Chelsy What are you doing?" He asked.
" I'm having some fun." She looked at me and laughed.
" We'll the fun is over." He forcefully grasped my arm and pulled me to his side.
I yanked my arm out of his strong grip.
" What is your problem?" I rubbed my arm.
" Chelsy let's go inside." He attempted to grasp ny my arm.
" Don't touch her." Neymar stood in front of me.
" She's my employee therefore she does what I say." Noah hissed.
Neymar's jaw clenched.
He looked like he was going to swing at him, but Mrs. Parker arrived.
" What's going on here?" She asked standing behind Noah, hands on her hips.
" Nothing, Mom. C'mon Chelsy. " Noah forcefully grasped my arm pulling me.
" Noah let her go." His mom commanded.
" No!" He stated.
I once again pulled my arm away, Neymar walking to me.
" And why not?" She asked.
He balled his fists.
" Because she's mine."
" I beg your pardon? I'm nobody's, who do you think you are, saying I'm yours." I spoke. Neymar took my hand into his.
" Noah in the house now." Ms. Parker pointed to the house.
Noah took a step foward closer to Neymar.
They both balled their hands into fists.
I have a feeling this isn't going to go to well.
" Get awat from her or else." He hissed " Or else what. " Neymar smirked.
Noah jabbed Neymar right in the jaw, knocking him back, hitting the ground.
" Neymar!" I gasped and kneeled.
I took his hand into mine.
" Noah." Mr. Parker rushed over and pulled his son away.
" Neymar. Are you ok?" I asked.
" I'm fine." He sat up holding his jaw.
" In the house." Both Parkers took there song inside.
Neymar stood up still holding my hand.
" You have a small slit on your chin." I held his face.
" I'm ok." He weakly smiled.
We calmly walked back to the backyard.
We sat down on a bench and talked, laughed, having a good time.
" Well goodnight." I smiled.
" Goodnight beautiful."
I blushed and hugged him.
We pulled away, he leaned closer and kissed my cheek. He smiled and walked to his house.
I happily signed and walked into the house, going straight to my room.
It took me longer to change into my night dress then for it to start pouring rain.
I sat on my bed admiring the weather.
I love the rain, it reminds me of my childhood. When I was a little girl, rainy days were the absolute best.
We would rush outside and play in the rain.
We would make paper boats, and set them in the puddles. It was one of the best games we would play. And I really miss those times.
I sat there thinking of my childhood.
I stood up slipping on my pink fluffy slippers.
I grabbed my robe and quickly put it on.
I rubbed out of my room, towards downstairs. I slowly walked to the front door making sure no one saw me.
I unlcoked the front door, I stuck hands out, feeling the cold water drop falling from the grey sky.
I stepped out letting the rain pour on me.
I smiled and enjoyed how the rain drops hit my body.
I laughed and jumped around.
I probably looked crazy, but I really didn't care.
I always did this as a little girl.
" Chelsy!" I heard someone call. I turned to the front gate to see sir Bryan.
" Bryan? " I spoke confused
" Yea. Its me. I was walking by and saw you, here in the rain. Are you locked out?" He asked holding his black umbrella.
" No I'm not locked out. I just came to enjoy the rain." I smiled not caring that I'm soaking wet.
" Well get inside before you do get locked out." He suggested.
" You're right." I turned around to see the door closed.
I rushed to the door and tried to turn the knob, but nothing.
I can't ring the doorbell, everyone is asleep.
" Locked out?" Bryan asked.
I slowly nodded now shivering.
"Come." He gestured.
I walked to him, attempting to unlock the gate.
Apparently the gate was open, I'm not sure why it was open.
I stepped out and Bryan took my hand.
" You can stay at my house." He smiled.
" Are you sure? " I asked.
" Yeah. Cmon." We walked to his house. He opened the door. I behind him trying to hide.
" Mom Dad. It's raining outside and one of my new friends, was locked out of her house, and well I brought her here." He stepped aside so I was clearly in vision.
" Hello." I smiled
" Honey, your all wet. You can stay with us. Here follow me." Bryan's mom stood up, I followed her to a visitor bedroom.
" We don't have any clothes for you, but I will tell Bryan to bring you one if his shirts. Make you're self comfortable. " She smiled and walked out of the room.
I didn't want to sit on the bed because I was still soaking wet.

I heard a knock and Bryan slowly opened the door and peeked inside.
I laughed and advised him to come in.
" I brought you a pair of my joggers and the smallest T-shirt I own." He settled it on the sofa.
" My mom said you can wash your clothes, downstairs in our laundry. You can change and I'll come for your clothes to wash them." He walked to the door.
" Thanks Bryan." I smiled.
" No problem." He grinned.
I walked to the restroom and quickly changed.
I walked out and settled my wet clothes on the floor.
Another knock echoed the room and in came Bryan.
" Clothes Mrs." He smiled and took my clothes.
" Thank you again Bryan. I will never forget this friendly gesture." I grinned sitting on the bed.
" No problem Chelsy. Well it's late. You should get some rest." He walked to the door.
" Night Bryan."
" Good night Chelsy. " He flicked the lights off and closed the door.
I moved the duvet and cuddled underneath it.
I closed my eyes and sleep didn't take to long to take over me.

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