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I got home and went straight to my room. Chelsy said she'll being my lunch to my room.
I tossed my backpack on my bed. I turned on my Bluetooth speaker and connected my ipod.
I clicked on my favorite playlist and music began to play.
I layed on my bed looking at the ceiling.
There was a knock on the door.
" Come in." I called.
I sat up, one of our other maids , Olga, walked in.
" Hello Mr. Noah. I bring your fresh cleaned clothing." She set it down on my bed.
" Thank you, Olga." I smiled.
She nodded and walked out of my room. I stood up grabbed my clothes and looking through them.
A certain T-shirt and jogger catch my attention. It's our school gym uniform. But I have mine at school in my locker.
I looked at the name tag and it read Bryan Walden.
What the heck is Bryan's uniform doing here?
There waa another knock on my door.
" Come in."
" Sir. Noah I brought your lunch." Chelsy smiled setting my food on my table.
" Chelsy what is Bryan's uniform doing here?" I asked.
" She froze and turned to look at the uniform.
She walked to me and extended her hand. I handed her the uniform.
" This is mine." She nodded walking out of my room.
What's going on? Are Bryan and Chelsy dating? Better not be, she's mine.

It's around 6 p.m. and everyone is eating. I finished all the chores I was assigned.
I quickly rushed upstairs to my room and changed into a pair of light washed jeans and a white blouse. I slipped on my white converse. I tried my hair up into a pony tail.
I grabbed my tote bag tossing in Bryan's clothes, and my phone.
I took a thin sweater, slipping it on.
I opened my room door.
I squealed and the sight of Noah standing against my door frame.
" Where are you going Chelsy? " He asked.
" Excuse me." I closed my door ignoring his question, walking passed him.
I walked straight downstairs.
" Chelsy going out?" Asked Mr. Parker.
" Yes, sir. I'm going to do a few things but I'll be back quick."
" It's rather dark and late. Please let Lucas accompany you."
I nodded, Lucas walking out of the kitchen with his keys on his hand.
Lucas came to my side and we walked to the front door. He opened the front door and we walked outside.
" Where to Chels?" He asked.
" To Bryan's home."
" What again?"
" Just take me there and don't ask questions. " I hissed.
" Oh, Chelsy. I don't know what you're getting yourself into but I don't like it."
We jumped into his truck.

It's 7:42 a.m. and I'm waiting for Lucas, so he can drive us to school.
" Mr. And Mrs. Parker excuse my tardiness." Lucas apologized.
" Don't worry about it Lucas." My sister smiled.
Lucas nodded and we all walked to his truck.
The drive was about 20 minute like always.
Eli opened the back door and we rushed into the main entrance.
We walked to the cafeteria for breakfast.
I grabbed my food and instantly spotted Bryan.
I rushed to him and plotted next to him.
" Hey. " I spoke.
" Hey. " He smiled.
We sat there in silence for a few seconds.
" What is going on between you and my maid?" I blankly asked.
" What?" Bryan spoke in confusion.
" Is there a romance between you and Chelsy. "
He faced me.
" Why? If there was, why would you care?"
" I care because she's mine. " I clenched my jaw.
He fell into a fit of pure laughter.
" Last time I checked your name wasn't written on her." He laughed.
" So you've seen her entire body. " I assumed.
" Maybe, maybe not." Bryan grabbed his tray and stood up.
I balled my fist and slammed my fist onto the table. People turning their heads to face me.
I grabbed my tray and threw it out.
I spotted

I spent the most of my classes just thinking of what Bryan said.
There must be a romance between her and him.
What does she see in him. I'm much better than him.
I sat in my desk waiting for Math class to start. Just one more our and I can finally go home.
" Class, we have a new student. Please welcome Selin Dogan." Mrs. Conrad stepped aside revealing a shy girl holding her books.
She softly smiled.
" Selin, please take a seat."
She nodded taking the seat between Bryan and I.
She was not to short but not to tall. Her hair was perfectly straight.
She wore a white blouse, black skirt with knee socks and white converse.
She pulled out a clean notebook, holding a pen in between her middle finger and pointer finger.
I moved closer and tapped her shoulder.
She turned to face me.
" Hi, I'm Noah. " I smiled.
" Hi Noah. I'm Selin. Nice to meet you." She smiled.
" Likewise." I nodded settling back into my seat.
Maybe I'll end up liking this class.
After class was over I gather my things and tossed them into my backpack.
I looked up and Bryan waa chatting with Selin.
I walked to them.
" Hey guys." I stood next to Bryan.
" Hi." Selin whispered.
" Can I help you?" Asked Bryan.
" Oh. Sorry for bothering. " I put my hands up in surrender and took a step back.
" I actually have to go. My mum is waiting for me. It was a pleasure meeting you Bryan, and Noah." She smiled walking away.
" Trying to make a move huh?" I smirk.
" What are you talking about?" Bryan frowned his eyebrows.
" Oh nothing. See ya." I waved walking away.

I was cleaning my room when I received a text. I unlocked my phone.
Hey beautiful. I was wondering if you would like to go out for dinner tomorrow night?
I smiled at the text replying.
To: Neymar
Hey :) I'd love to.

I placed my phone back into my pocket.
Seconds later vibrating. I pulled it out again.
Great! See you tomorrow at around 6 p.m. Good night gorgeous ♡

To: Neymar
Goodnight Handsome♡
I felt like a thousand butterflies were released into my stomach.
I finished cleaning and headed to bed another day of work awaits and at 6 another date with Neymar. I can't wait.

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