Season 1: Part 14 - Sleepless In Toad Town

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Bobby yawned.
He been up for hours - and he's checked the clock. It was 4 in the morning...
...But he couldn't sleep. At all.

He looked to his friends.
Char was fast asleep on his little pet bed, Zelda was completely under her blankets - and oddly enough, she wasn't using any pillows. He wasn't gonna think about that too hard, he was too tired.
Aaand Steve was out like a log on the couch.

"Ooh..." Bobby sighed.
His stomach rumbled.
"I'm hungry..."

He got up.
Downstairs, as he would have guessed, Blue was asleep too - which was no surprise. Once that boy was out, he was out.
He tiptoed over to the fridge and nudged it open.

"Need help?"

Bobby nearly screamed -

Behind him was Steve.
"Sorry, you kinda woke me up when you came downstairs. I'm a light sleeper." He shrugged. "Anyway, I have no idea how you managed to eat or drink without hands this whole time, but we can split a pb&j if you want."

"That sounds good!" Bobby beamed. "...And thanks for your help."

"No problem," Steve smiled and closed the fridge.
It was only a matter of time before it was ready - after all, making a pb&j doesn't take very long.

"Agh...Blue's asleep on the couch. I don't feel like standing here." Steve sighed.
"Wanna sit on the front steps?" Bobby asked. "It's probably nice outside today."

"Y'know what? Why not."

"It's nice out." Steve stated.
They had finished their sandwich.
Now they were just kinda chilling.
"I know, it is..." Bobby agreed.

Though it was late at night, the air was still warm - not too hot, not too cold. It was the pleasant type of weather that couldn't bother anyone - the pleasant type of weather that would make for a good day outside.

"So, you couldn't sleep?" Steve stretched. "I get it. Used to suffer a lot from insomnia back home...God, the phantoms were everywhere..."


"You're better off not knowing."


It got quiet. The two of them just...enjoyed the night. The stars, the street lamps, the crickets, the overall peace -

Until the peace came to a swift end.

"Whoa!" Steve and Bobby shouted as someone quickly ran past them - and another followed in pursuit.

Bobby's eyes widened.
He hasn't seen them that clearly, but he knew he'd seen that second person recently.
"That's them!" He shouted and jumped to his feet.
"What? Who?!" Steve asked.

He didn't know what was going on, who they were chasing, why they were even awake at this hour - but he remembered their words.
They were going to preserve what little tranquility this world had left...
Bobby knew they wouldn't cause any trouble. They'd only work to end it.

"I'm going after them!" Bobby decided. He stood up and ran - Steve quickly followed behind.
"At this hour?! And I thought you were normally against these sort of things!"

"Not now!" Bobby shouted, "They helped me - I want to return the favor!"


The two of them ran forward - though ironically, they were far behind. If there was anything to know about that ninja is that they were fast as frick - and apparently, so was the man they were chasing.

"Hang on! I know a shortcut!" Bobby shouted.
They were headed for the flower fields - Bobby lead Steve down a path through the garden of Peach's castle. Why he knew that was there, Steve didn't know.

"GOT YA!" Bobby shouted as he tackled the enemy down. It was...well, he didn't know. He was wearing a strange uniform, and a mask with a red eye painted on it...
"What kind of guy is that?" Steve scoffed.
He shoved Bobby off and rolled to the side. "Get OFF!"

But it was too late. The ninja caught up in a matter of seconds.
Whatever battle they had, it was quick. The man swung for the ninja - but they swiftly dodged and pressed their hand behind his neck.
"Oof!" The man fell to the ground. He was completely unconscious...

After that, the ninja grabbed all of his weaponry and stashed them in their pocket.

"I'm glad we found you!" Bobby beamed.
"I can't believe you're real." Steve added.
"I still had to repay you for the other day, so I'm happy we were there!"

"Are you crazy?!"
They turned to the two of them.
"You both could have gotten hurt. What are you even doing outside this late!? You should both be safe in your homes!"

"Hey! Without us, you couldn't have beaten that guy and taken his weapons!" Steve shouted, "You should be thanking us..."

"...I suppose that is true. Thank you."
They still remained...emotionless. Hard to read.

They were about to leave again - but was stopped by Bobby.
"Wait-! Don't go again!" he insisted, "I...want to know if you have anywhere to stay."

The ninja gave him a quizzical look.
"What do you mean?"

Steve sighed. "He's about to invite you to live in a 2 person house with 5 other people. I'd decline if I were you."


The ninja turned to Bobby.
"Is that what you were going to ask?"

"M-maybe." Bobby admitted, "But Steve's right. I don't have enough room for anyone else..."

The ninja shook their head.
"That's okay. I already have a place to stay."

Steve got the vibe they were lying, but didn't say anything about it.

"I should be going. Crime never rests...but I must." The ninja said. "But before I go..."

"Yeah?" Bobby looked up.

"...Call me Sheik."
A smoke bomb startled Bobby and Steve - and by the time it faded, the ninja was gone.

"Sheik, huh..." Steve said.

"Well," Steve spun on his heel. "That was fun and all. Crime never rests, but we must."
"Don't make fun of them!" Bobby scolded.
Steve just laughed.

When they got home again, Steve was out like a light.
This left Bobby to lay wide awake. He still couldn't sleep.
He didn't know why, but...
There was something about Sheik. They just seemed...

He didn't understand.
He wished they'd stay and talk longer.

Bobby sighed.
It wasn't worth thinking about - the important thing was that everyone was safe, after all.

He tucked into bed and finally fell asleep.

Zelda smiled.

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