Season 3 - Episode 4: Lights Out

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Bobby yelled at the sound of thunder.
He shivered. "Stupid thunderstorms..."

The five of them were in the living room playing - you guessed it - Wii Sports.
This time it was swordfighting - and Char was kicking Steve's butt at it.

"Are you alright, Bobby?" Zelda asked - she and Blue both sat on the couch along with him, as this was a 2 player game.

Bobby shivered.
"It's nothing...I just can't stand thunder."

"I getcha." Steve nodded, "I was almost hit by lightning once. That was a crazy day..."

Zelda and Bobby stared.
"...As concerning as that sounds, I will assure you that we'll be alright."

"I know..." Bobby said, "But the"
He paused.

"I heard it's supposed to get worse," Blue remarked, "so we're really in for it!"

"...You sound excited." Steve handed the remote to Blue - Char, the remaining champion, would be faced once again.

"I am!" Blue said, "Electric powers, lightning...we're kinda in my element here."

Thunder boomed again - Bobby squeezed his eyes shut.
Steve pat him on the back. "It'll be alright, bud. Only a few more hours."

"OH MY GOD I'M WINNING!!" Blue exclaimed as he and Char dueled - round 2 begun, and he was about to push Char off the edge of the platform.
"Come on...COME ONN!!!"


They all paused.
Every light in the house turned off - as did the TV.
The only thing illuminating the room was the flame on Char's tail.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" Blue cried - he threw the remote to the floor, "STUPID POWER OUTAGE!!"
"Char!" Char laughed.

He paused.

He ran into the kitchen and grabbed as many tubs of ice cream as he could.

"So much for being in his element," Steve snickered.

Blue threw a spoon at Steve for the ice cream - it hit him right in the face.

"BLUE!!" Zelda yelled.

"I'msorry," Blue went quiet.

He passed around a few tubs of ice cream so that everyone could have some for themselves - but Blue kept one to eat on his own.
"We don't want it to melt," he said, "which means we gotta eat all of it! Trust me."

They all sat on the couch, eating ice cream in the dark.
It was truly an experience.

"So what do we do now? Play board games or something?" Bobby asked.
"Nah," Blue shook his head, "I'm like 99% sure we don't have any of those."
"Oh. Right. I lost them all in the fire."

There was silence.

"SPEAKING of fire-" Zelda said, "Why don't we light some candles? That will make it less...dark."
"Char, char!" Char beamed. He was gonna help, obviously.
They spent the next few minutes setting up candles all around the living room - Char carefully lit them up one by one.

"Woah." Steve looked around, "Nice atmosphere."
"It is pretty calming..." Zelda agreed.
"Calming? I was gonna say this is the perfect mood for...scary stories." Blue grinned.

"Scary stories?" Bobby raised an eyebrow, "With the way things are going, we're living a scary story right now..."
"He's not wrong. What's scarier than a creepy kid and a demon in a mask?" Steve remarked.
Blue blinked. "What about Kaiden?"
"Kaiden's just a red version of you."
"I can be scary!"
"You're not scary."
"That's because you haven't seen my full power..." Blue mumbled.

"I think Kaiden's scary," Bobby shivered, "he almost killed me!"
Char, who was also almost murdered by Kaiden, nodded. "Charmander!"

"And yet...I still cannot picture Skull as scary." Zelda said, "I've been his friend for so long that I still picture him as a mischievous and harmless."
Bobby rolled his eyes. "You should have seen him in the mansion - he got all stabbed in the arm and then-"
"WHAT?!" Zelda shouted - Bobby had conveniently left that part out...

"Jesus, what is with that kid and stabbing people in the arm? Kid's a lunatic..." Steve seethed.

"Yeah, until Weach beat him to death with a baseball bat. That was HILARIOUS!" Blue grinned.
Steve smirked. "That's probably the only case that I'd consider child abuse hilarious."

"Well...if you are still interested in scary stories...I may have one." Zelda said.

"Really? You?" Blue asked.

", let me tell you a story from Hyrule - and, I will have you know, it is but a rumor. There is a chance it may be true...but nobody has ever dared to find out."

The four were already captivated.
"...What is it?" Bobby tilted his head.

Zelda cleared her throat.
"Long ago, before they had all perished, there was a tribe of warriors who called themselves the Sheikah. It was their sworn duty to protect the royal throne - no matter the cost."

"I'm gonna guess it cost a lot," Steve suggested.

"That it did. If anyone posed a threat to the castle, the Sheikah would bring them to a place called The Shadow Temple. It is full of traps and torture devices used for cruel and unusual punishment - no prisoner who had been taken there ever returned."

"And then?" Blue's eyes lit up. He was clearly enjoying the story...

"Though old and broken down, the Shadow Temple is still standing - though it has been sealed shut, and untouched for several years. However..."
Zelda hushed her voice, eyes piercing into those of her friends.
"It is said that somewhere deep, deep inside of the temple, one of the victims still lives. They are broken and bandaged, barely clinging onto life - and anyone unfortunate enough to encounter this horrible creature will be brutally tortured, just as it had been thousands of years ago. And if you visit the temple at night...
You can still hear their desperate screams."

Everyone went silent.

"...And you wanna go BACK to Hyrule?!" Bobby shouted, "I'm never stepping foot in there!"

"I am!" Blue grinned, "We're all gonna go to the Shadow Temple together and discover the truth!"

"Absolutely not."
"I am never going there."

"Man, sometimes, you guys aren't very fun..." Blue rolled his eyes.

And then...
Upstairs, there was a thud.
Everyone flinched.

"Uhm!!!" Zelda's eyes went wide, "What was that?!"
"Nope! Nonono, nope!" Bobby shouted as he charged up his plasma gun.
"Relax..." Steve scoffed. "Somethin' probably just fell. I'll go check it out."
"Charmander!!" Char rapidly shook his head no.
"Eh, let him go," Blue reassured, "It'll be fine. There's nothing here."
"Fine, you're probably right..." Bobby said.

With that, Steve went upstairs, leaving the 4 others to sit alone.
Though a few minutes passed, and...
He didn't come back.

"...Is anyone else worried?" Zelda asked, "Because I am beginning to get worried..."
"...Maybe we should go check." Bobby agreed.

With that, the four of them went upstairs - following the light on Char's tail, when they heard...
It sounded almost like a swordfight.

"No." Blue's blood ran cold. "NO!"

He shoved ahead and ran into his bedroom -
Steve and Kaiden were taking part in a sword duel, and Kaiden was winning.

"Ah!" He stopped, "So Blue finally shows his face."
He shoved Steve to the side, who hit the wall with a thud.
"Charmander!" Char shouted, running over to his fallen friend.

"Kaiden..." Blue growled. "Get out."

Kaiden smirked.
"I'm not leaving without you, Blue. You can count on that."

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