Season 2 - Episode 9: Saturday Night Fights

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Blue announced,
"To the volcano!"

Everyone stopped.
"Blue." Steve facepalmed. "Of all places to train them- why at an active volcano?"
"Because it's cool." Blue answered, "And we're less likely to be interrupted."

"It's already late..." Bobby said. "And after that whole thing with Skull Kid, I just want to go home and go to sleep..."

"You didn't even do anything!"

"Yeah well I'm still tired!"

"Char!" Char exclaimed. He seemed to enjoy being near the volcano - he was supposed to look like a fire-type after all.
"Well at least someone likes it here." Steve gave a slight smile.

"I, for one, look forward to training my light power!" Zelda announced. "Though it tires me out, I wish to get better with it. As a gift from the Goddess...the strength it must hold would be unbelievable if I could get it right!"

"Well, there's only one way to get better - Zelda you're going to fight against Bobby!"

"WHAT?!" They both shouted in unison.
"I cannot fight Bobby!"
"And I don't wanna take a light beam to the face and go blind!"
"Chillax!" Blue smiled. "No light beams and plasma guns for now - we're just gonna watch you physically fight and see what you're gonna have to improve!"

They looked at each other.
"Oookay..." Zelda turned to Bobby. "I do not wish to fight you...but if it's to get better..."
"Yeah..." Bobby nodded. "Good luck."
"You too!"

They stood across from each other - both looked worried.
"Ready..." Blue announced, "FIGHT!!"
"Blue this is a terrible idea." Steve said.
"No it's not!"

The two fighters stood there awkwardly -
Until Bobby shouted, "BOB-OMB BASH!!"
He ran for Zelda at top speed - who turned on her heel and gracefully dodged at last second.
While Bobby ran past her, Zelda kicked him like a soccer ball - and he went flying.
Blue's eyes widened.
Bobby got back up. "...I'm not gonna give up yet!"
He ran towards Zelda - who once again dodged, but Bobby learned this time. He turned around and rolled back for her, jumping forward and ramming into her abdomen -
"Agh!" Zelda stumbled back.
She was about to run at him - but hesitated, allowing Bobby to land the final hit with another Bob-Omb bash.

"Wow." Steve looked in surprise.
"That...was unexpected." Blue added.

"What?! You didn't think I'd win?" Bobby was insulted.
"No," Blue went on, "I didn't expect Zelda to fight like that."
She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Excuse me?"
"Well!" Blue frowned. "I didn't think you'd be any good..."

There was a pause.

"Well!" Zelda gave a condescending smile. "I guess I'm a natural then."

"Looks like it." Steve raised an eyebrow.
Clearly, he didn't believe her. The way she fought...reminded him of someone. But he didn't know who, so he just brushed it off.

"Well!" Blue smiled,
"Like I said earlier - Bobby's gotta work on his dodging. Zelda, on the other hand, focused too much on evasion and not enough on defense. If we wanna be stronger than Skull Kid - and, more importantly, Jimothy - we gotta train hard, got it?"

"Got it." Bobby nodded.
"Char!" Char exclaimed.
Zelda just...awkwardly looked to the side.
Everyone knew why.

"Well," Steve said, "Char, you're up."
"Char!" Char nodded.
"Bobby will be his partner!" Blue decided.
"Yessir!" Bobby got into stance.

"Now, with Char's flamethrower, you're gonna have to learn to dodge out of the way more." Blue explained. "Ready?"



Immediately, Char started off with a flamethrower - Bobby stumbled to the side and just barely dodged.
Char shot more flamethrowers in a circle - Bobby ran for his life - until he jumped over the flames and rammed into Char's back.
"Char!" Char got knocked down - Bobby let him get back up. This was a friendly fight after all.
Char lunged and used his scratch attack, sending Bobby to the ground, but he was just glad it wasn't a-
Char used flamethrower.
"AH!" Bobby ran around in circles, "HOT HOT HOT!!"

Steve gave him some water.

"And Char wins that one!" Blue smiled. "Maybe next time he should go against Steve..."

"PLEASE. I don't wanna get burned again..." Bobby sighed.

"So it's settled!" Blue smiled, "Everyone has their own fighting partner! Zelda with Bobby, and Char with Steve!"
"Hold it." Steve said, "What about you?"

"...What about me?" Blue snickered, "I don't need a fighting partner - I'm the strongest one here!"

"Maybe," Steve agreed, "But you can't use your full power or your dad can track you. Which means you're stuck with electricity - and we all know that got you nowhere against Skull Kid."

Blue blushed in embarrassment. "That - HE JUST CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD! I could take him..." he mumbled.

"Well, let's make sure of that." Steve unsheathed his sword. "You up for a rematch?"
Blue's eyes went wide - and then he smiled. "Yeah!!"
"Ah, geez..."
Both Char and Bobby were clearly against this.
"I'll assume it went badly last time..." Zelda said.

Steve immediately rushed forward - Blue dodged to the side. He unsheathed his katana and said, "It's been a while since I used this."
"Ah god-"
"Don't worry!" Blue smiled, "No electricity this time."
They ran together, blades clashing left and right - Blue faked Steve out and managed to land a hit.
Steve regained his balance and blocked an incoming attack from Blue, who attempted a jump-slash - he pushed forward and sent Blue into the dirt.
While on the ground, Blue grabbed Steve's ankle and pulled him down, getting back up and kicking him into a nearby rock.
"Agh!" Steve seethed.

"I win!" Blue grinned. "Didn't put up much of a fight this time..."

"Look, I'm tired."

"Yeah, yeah!" Blue helped him back up.

"Should we call it a day?" Zelda suggested, "I don't want to arrive home too late."
"I just wanna get some sleep..." Bobby added.
"Sure!" Blue beamed - "But we come back here every evening to keep training, okay?


"With Jimothy looking for us, we could be in danger at any moment," Blue explained. "And who knows who else my dad will send after us?! I just don't want you guys to die okay-"

"Okay...he has a point." Steve admitted.
"So it's settled," Zelda nodded. "We'll come back every evening."
"Aw, geez..." Bobby groaned, "I hope we don't stay this late next time..."

As the five of them walked away,
Someone was there.
Watching them from up above.

He laughed.
"So they want to fight...?"

"I'll give them a fight."

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